The Left is now busy pretending that support for the notion of a Benghazi cover-up has "collapsed." Proof for this fantasy ? FoxNews, of course. Good grief.

Our little commie buds at Think,  are busy rewriting news stories and audio,  to make it sound as if the wheels are coming off the conservative claims of an Administration cover-up of Benghazi.  Their latest bit of rationalization is found in their story post on Think Progress. 

The eight minute video that accompanies their report,  is given a review that makes the reader believe that  the 3 member  team on the  morning show at Fox,  razed  Republican, Jassen Chaffetz,  and went after him for his claims. 

The problem with this reporting is found in the fact that the foreigners at Think Progress have no idea what hard journalistic reporting is all about,  since  that type of reporting has been almost totally absent during past four years. 

You have the video of that interview.  If you listen,  you will hear the three hosts ask very difficult questions.    At the same time,  you will hear closing remarks by Gretchen  Carlson that include these words:  “. . . . . .  more Democrats may be coming on board,  now,  to say, ‘Oooops, what actually happened  here.”  In other words,  the morning hosts at Fox see testimony revealing a cover-up as a growing concern,  not one for which the case against a cover-up has collapse.  

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