I am personally ashamed and offended , as a once proud American, to have watched
four of our diplomatic corps (pronounced “core” for all you Obama lovers) murdered in cold blood as our State Department watched and Obama continued on his campaign for a second term. A few days ago, I was so turned off by the “enemy within”
(Obama and company) that I announced I had quit , given up on virtually everything
political. My criticism included
Republicans as well as the far Left of the Democrat Party. But there was a modest demand for me to
change my mind; I did and am now more
than happy to report the following news from the Weekly Standard.
What we have in the remainder of this post, is an excerpt from article, a Bengahzi timeline, written by Steven Hayes of The
Weekly Standard on May 13, a timeline relating to the horrendous
massacre at Benghazi on Sept 11, 2012
and the immediate process of cover-up pursued by the current Administration and
the crooks, therein, including Obama and Hillary.
I was not aware of the deadlock existing in the Senate concerning
the approval of John Brennan as head of the CIA. If such was being reported, I missed it.
At any rate and as concerns Brennan,
there was much more than talk about holding up his nomination as well as
the nomination of others, unless and until
this Administration, one of the most opaque
in American history, surrendered certain
documents and emails, to a select
congressional committee. Obama caved on
this issue, and the documents were made available. You will want to read the full article at The
Weekly Standard. I give you opening
remarks, but the article is more than 3
pages long.
WeeklyStandard.com: As intelligence officials pieced together the puzzle of
events unfolding in Libya, they concluded even before the assaults had ended
that al Qaeda-linked terrorists were involved. Senior administration officials,
however, sought to obscure the emerging picture and downplay the significance
of attacks that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans. The
frantic process that produced the changes to the talking points took place over
a 24-hour period just one day before Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United
Nations, made her now-famous appearances on the Sunday television talk shows.
The discussions involved senior officials from the State Department, the
National Security Council, the CIA, the Office of the Director of National
Intelligence, and the White House. . . . . . . . . . . The
White House provided the emails to members of the House and Senate intelligence
committees for a limited time and with the stipulation that the documents were
available for review only and would not be turned over to the committees. The
White House and committee leadership agreed to that arrangement as part of a
deal that would keep Republican senators from blocking the confirmation of John
Brennan, the president’s choice to run the CIA. If the House report
provides an accurate and complete depiction of the emails, it is clear that
senior administration officials engaged in a wholesale rewriting of
intelligence assessments about Benghazi in order to mislead the public. The
Weekly Standard sought comment from officials at the White House, the
State Department, and the CIA, but received none by press time. Within
hours of the initial attack on the U.S. facility, the State Department
Operations Center sent out two alerts. The first, at 4:05 p.m. (all times are
Eastern Daylight Time), indicated that the compound was under attack; the
second, at 6:08 p.m., indicated that Ansar al Sharia, an al Qaeda-linked
terrorist group operating in Libya, had claimed credit for the attack.
According to the House report, these alerts were circulated widely inside the
government, including at the highest levels. The fighting in Benghazi continued
for another several hours, so top Obama administration officials were told even
as the fighting was taking place that U.S. diplomats and intelligence
operatives were likely being attacked by al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists. A
cable sent the following day, September 12, by the CIA station chief in Libya,
reported that eyewitnesses confirmed the participation of Islamic militants and
made clear that U.S. facilities in Benghazi had come under terrorist attack. It
was this fact, along with several others, that top Obama officials would work
so hard to obscure.
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