Bad news for the anti-gun cabal: their chances of passing gun control laws, poorly written and misguided as is the case with most of liberal legislation, is close to zero and vanishing.

From The BlazeTo accompany TheBlaze’s coverage of the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Houston, we figured it could be helpful to share some gun statistics pointed out to us by some of the NRA Convention attendees. Forget the talking points used by both sides in the gun control debate; we’re going to be talking about verified statistics.  
Gun control advocates be advised, these are not the statistics you are looking for.
According to data from the FBI’s uniform crime reports, California had the highest number of gun murders in 2011 with 1,220 — which makes up 68 percent of all murders in the state that year and equates to 3.25 murders per 100,000 people.
The irony of such a grisly distinction is evident when you look at which state was named the state with the strongest gun control laws in 2011 by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. You guessed it — it was California.
“What is very unusual is that California also has a program by which we can remove guns, recover guns from people who have a gun and then subsequently become prohibited or dangerous,” Brady Campaign spokeswoman Amanda Wilcox said at the time.

Editor’s notes:  I add to the above facts the “tie breaker” . . . . . . . . .      virtually all of California’s private weapons inventory is purchased within the state,  and purchased legally.  

The closest large metropolitan region  to my home,  Fresno/Clovis, California,  has reduced their level of gun violence by nearly 55% in the past 10 years,  and 90% of the remaining violence is committed by the local gangland industry. 

But liberals see harsh action against our regional gangs as somehow unfair.  A ban on violent video games is considered laughable,  by the Libs, as well,   in spite of the fact that all youth responsible for mass murders in the last 20 years have been violent game addicts. 

Add to the above,  the fact that not one of the recent mass murders has been committed by law abiding NRA members,  and you have a picture of one of the most convoluted debates in recent times:  "Don’t blame those who commit violent crime every day of the year;  don’t make any sort of effort to control the violent crime atmosphere of the murdering minors who watch violent crime re-enactments every day of the year;  but, do blame those who have absolutely nothing to do with such disasters as Sandy Hook,"  and you have an idiot’s nest of illogic and emotional hyperbole,  all in the name of “fairness,” “justice”  and winning elections.  

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