A brief review of what to expect, this morning, as the House fields another committee meeting, hoping to get to the bottom of the current Administration cover-up.

Today,  three witnesses will appear before congress.  Each has special qualifications within our intelligence community;  each have intimate knowledge of the Libyan circumstance before the attacks,  and about the attacks,  themselves.  

Eric Nordstrom has already testified,  last October.  He was implicitly critical of the Administration and State,  for its many failures to respond to pleas for help and added security.  He will answer questions in this regard and confirm his previous testimony.  He will testify that for 60 days before the 9/11 attacks,  the State Department committed to no plans for security,  and simply "hoped that things would get better."  Nordstrom's testimony,  last October 12,  before congress,  was especially damning,  but the major media chose to ignore his comments and has tried to turn him

Greg Hicks will testify that false talking points contributed to the slow FBI response  . . .   no one from that department arriving in less than a month after the attacks.  "Protection against assault" was the reason given by the WH,  but CNN sent journalist to the embassy the week after the event and found evidence needed in the coming investigation. 

Mark Thompson  will testify that FEST was not deployed to Benghazi, nor was it ever considered.  FEST is an assessment team used in such political/terror crisis for evaluation and in-field planning.  

The counter argument is this:  neither military intervention nor the arrival of FEST personnel would have made any difference with Benghazi.  “They would not have arrived in time to save anyone.”

Question:  how in the world did anyone,  at the time of the attacks,  know how long these attacks would last? They could have gone on for days.  Some 30 survivors came out of these attacks.  The godless villains responsible for Benghazi,  could have decided to stay with the attacks until all Americans were killed.  Obviously,  the administration and Hillary did not care how many would die  . . . .  they were determined to run with their make-believe account,  win the coming election,  and now,  the sky may be falling in around them.  

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