Obama changes his cabinet around. Consrevative disgust is both predictable and justified.

Chuck Hagel nominated by Obama for Secretary of Defense.  He is as compromised on Israel as is Hussein Obama. 

John Brennan is nominated for the head of the CIA. He will do no better job at this task than he did with his anti-terrorism assignment.  Heck,  he does not even believe we are at war with terrorist.   

And,  it sounds as if John Kerry,  the Viet Nam traitor,  a man who threw away his medals and lied to congress about what his soldier buds were doing in Viet Nam,  will be named as Secretary of State.  Understand that this is a man who married into money,  twice,  and aided the enemy in his dishonest testimony before Congress, back in the day.  

He best appointments,  such as they are,  are leaving for other venues.  Panetta and Hillary are "out of there." 

Look,  each of the three appointments could take thousands of words to analyze.  The fact of the matter is this: each has serious flaws but they are Obama’s choices,  so,  what can we expect?  His Administration is feckless except at the "lets party down" level,  and these three do not make that sad situation worse.  They only add to the sad continuum.  

Like I say,  the next four years will be nothing short of "white knuckle" time. 

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