How does a nation survive under One Party rule? Hint: it doesn't but that is our four-year future.

<<<< In case you have not been paying any attention,  this is where we are  . . . . . NOW.  

In a story coming from The Hill,  we have this disturbing development:  "Democrats say they want to raise as much as $1 trillion in new revenues through tax reform later this year to balance Republican demands to slash mandatory spending."  

Understand that we just finished a negotiation for tax increases under the guise of future spending cuts. And now that the GOP has sold its soul to accommodate Obama's big spending regime,  the Dems are coming back for more.  

What does this mean for the American people and the middle class?  More taxes.  It is that simple. While Obama is using the verbal fantasy of "taxing millionaires and billionaires,"  the most recent tax increases affected all of the working/wealth producing middle class . . . . .  all of that population. 

We know that Mitch McConnell (GOP Senate leader) has told all who were listening,  this past Sunday,  that there will be no more taxes unless and until we deal with the issue of spending.  That is what he said,  but we all know that McConnell has no clout in this matter.  Unless he and the GOP are willing to shut down the government,  he will lose on this matter,  and we know this because the Dems ARE willing to shut down the government.  Understand that because we have a state run media,  the Dems will be able to blame the GOP for the shutdown,  turning GOP determination into nothing but empty bluster.  We have history on this matter. 

We needed to win that past election in the worst way.  And,  now,  that we have lost the presidential election and failed in our bid to recapture the Senate,  and lost 10 seats in the House while maintaining control,   our ability to forestall financial disaster without any help from reasonable thinking Democrats  (yes,  there are a few of these folks,  but not in the highest levels of leadership) and defunct patriotic media,  the destiny of this country is sealed. 

More than this,  we now have empirical evidence that  sacrificing our principles,  as we (i.e. the GOP)  did in the recent deficit deal,  gives us no advantage in dealing with the enemy.  

Point of post:  the next four years will be "white knuckle" season.  And,  if we cannot win the elections in 2016,  the country will have been effectively changed - in a final sense - into what we see in Europe . . . .  secular,  godless, without a serious work ethic and with no intentions of giving honor to the founding documents that made this country great.

One thing for certain,  unless GOP leadership has some sort of epiphany,  it will not survive,  and,  I say this because it cannot win a national election without the conservative,  patriotic,  non-compromising vote.   

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