Boehner wins second term as Speaker of the House. The Dems sit on their hands as he says, "We have come here not to be something, but to do something." Obviously, that is not their reason for being in Washington.

Moody's,  the nation's top credit agency,  has said that the debt deal of two days ago,  is not "good enough" while Hussein Obama is telling us, "I will not have a debate over raising the debt ceiling."  Understand that Moody's does not care whether we raise the debt ceiling if that effort does not include sufficient debt reduction.  The sad thing in all this,  is this fact:  if Moody's downgrades the American credit rating,  for the second time  (first time was with S & P),  it could mean an increase in the rate of interest paid on our debt.  That would be catastrophic.  Such an action could cause interest rates to rise from 3.5 nominally,  to 6%,  nearly doubling our annual payments from 220 billion to 400 billion per year.  

What is much worse,  is the fact that we will be spending 1 trillion on interest in a single year,  by 2020,   if present spending levels continue to increase.  Obviously,  if interest rates double,  we have crossed a line that will destroy us,  almost immediately.  Obama has taken the Bush deficits of 440 billion per year,  to over 1.2 trillion per year.  If he and the Dems continue to ignore what is happening to this country,  in the next 7 years,  if not much sooner,  the nation is headed for ruin  --  and no one in the Democrat power base cares. 

In the recent debt deal,  Obama got 6 billion dollars a year in spending cuts while winning 300 billion a year in new spending.  

So much for balance.

Understand that we are looking at the next battle in congress,  and since the Senate will not participate in this debate,  it is all left up to Boehner and his band of merry men. 

Also,  you should know that Moody's believes the debt ceiling debate (coming in February or before) is the perfect time to agree on specifics as to debt reduction.  Here is Moody's comment on this point:    “Therefore, it seems likely that new measures addressing the expenditure side of the budget will be negotiated at around the time the debt limit will need to be raised.”  (Read Moody's full but brief report,  here).  

But Obama and House Democrats continue to sit on their hands as they pursue their fiscal policy of   "hear no evil,  see no evil,  speak no evil."   

Boehner has his hands full and the Dems intend to oversee his failure. 

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