Al Gore sells his Current TV to the enemy. Glenn Beck wanted to purchase Current but Gore said "No," stating that he had more in common with Al-Jazeera than with Beck . . . . . and Gore wanted to be the next Democrat president of the United States of America. What a fat joke he is.

Often,  on this blog,  I post the Nielsen ratings for cable news.  Current is never on that comparative list. Why?  Because it's daily viewership seldom rises above 50,000 viewers.  Seriously.  All other cable news outlets run averages in the "millions."  

Current has been a joke from it's very beginnings.  It's first format was a well produced series of programs put together and published [mostly] by young adults on the radical Left.  During this time,  viewership averaged 18,000 per day. A little more than a year ago,  the format was changed to appear more as a news outlet.  Its characters were burn-outs from CNN,  a liberal and poorly qualified female radio host,  a failed New York prosecutor,  and a failed [female] governor. While viewership rose to a nominal 50,000,  it remained a failed business effort.  

Yesterday,  the news hit the line:  the radical news agency, Al-Jazeera,   a representative of America's No. 1 enemy,  Jihadist Islam,  has purchased Current TV.  The deal put a 100 million dollars in the back pocket of the committed socialist,  Alvin Gore,  and gives another foothold in this country to those who want to destroy this nation.  

Glenn Beck tried to buy Current,  but his efforts were rejected by Al Gore and Company,  on the grounds that Al-Jazeera had more in common with Gore's ideology than Beck.  In one of the incredible news story of the past four years,  Newsmax gives us this summation:  

“Other suitors who didn’t share Current’s ideology were rebuffed,” reporters Keach Hagey and John Jannarone wrote in the Wall Street Journal. “Glenn Beck’s TheBlaze approached Current about buying the channel last year, but was told that ‘the legacy of who the network goes to is important to us and we are sensitive to networks not aligned with our point of view,’” according to a person familiar with the negotiations.”

The former vice president confirmed the sale Wednesday that reportedly netted $100 million, saying in a statement that Al-Jazeera shares Current TV’s mission “to give voice to those who are not typically heard; to speak truth to power; to provide independent and diverse points of view; and to tell the stories that no one else is telling.”

Executives at Current told the Journal they decided to sell to the Arab broadcaster because “al-Jazeera was founded with the same goals we had for Current,” which included “to give voice to those whose voices are not typically heard” and “to speak truth to power,” according to the Journal.

You probably are not familiar with "Current TV."  It was the "brain" child of Fat Al Gore,  another of his failed ideas.  

Immediately,  Time-Warner,  the carrier of Current,  made it clear that it will no longer carry Current TV as part of its service to the cable community.  It wants nothing to do with Al-Jazeera America.  

We applaud their decision.  

Make note that Al "Its patriotic to pay taxes" Gore,  closed this deal before December 31,  to avoid paying hundreds of thousands in additional taxes,  taxes he claims to support.   

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