Obama singled out "white" and "men" and built his campaign in exclusion of those demographics. Here is proof.

Updated for grammar.

From the Obama campaign site,  a list of voter contingencies that leaves out "white" and "men."

Point of post:  the Marxist Left decided,  almost from the beginning of the tea-party movement,  to discredit that movement by presenting it as a white male oriented organization that was patently racist in make-up.

And Obama ran for re-election,  in part,  based upon this outrageous lie.  I am a member of the tea party movement and am no more racist than I am rich.  In fact,  I do not know anyone who is [racist] and would never befriend such a person if I did.

Question:  How do you prevail against a group of impostors willing to build their specific attacks around nothing but lies and deceit?  Answer:  I really do not know.  Especially when the Unprincipled Media cares nothing for the truth when their version of "victory" is in their sights.

Understand that reason and righteousness have nothing to do with Leftist attacks or campaign strategies.  The tea-party is simply not a movement built around black biased - or Obama would have never won election,  in the first case.   That is a demonstrable fact.

For every mis-spent sign with an ethnic bias bent appearing early on at a tea-party rally,  ,  I can find 15 from the Left,  that presents class warfare,  Marxism,  violence and/or sexual trash talk.   Our people [tea-party patriots] have been shot,  their homes vandalized,  their children singled out and chided while at school,  and their parents beaten by union thugs and violent groups such as the New Black Panthers.  There is nothing on the Right that compares.

Beyond making such statements,  I am at a loss as to what to say.


  1. The teaparty is white racist organization... like the Council of Conservative Citizens - a hate group. This is clear. Have you been to a teaparty rally? They often take the token 0.1% black person and showcase them. It's really hillarious.

  2. You are a lying sack of crap who has never been to a teaparty rally - not once. It takes a very ignorant woman to resort to lies when she has nothing of substance to say.

  3. I have been to teaparty rallies. The last one I went to there were about 1000 people in TN. The only 2 black people there were both featured speakers.

    Your tent is shrinking, Smithson. You're kind will soon die off.
