The 2012 election sealed our doom, as a nation. And this old tea-party "wacko" says, "I have my retirement . . . . too bad about yours."

Editor J Smithson

<<<<  I'd rather be a "wacko"  than an feckless moron.  I have my retirement.  Too bad about yours.  

In a recent  National Journal article,  we learn that Federal employees have tried to slip to the back of the line when it comes to spending cuts and other such action required because of the looming “fiscal cliff.” 

Two things are left out of their plea:  One,  the fact that their wages and benefits are all funded via taxpayer dollars.  When they argue that they have already done “their fair share,”  they forget that they have “done their fare share” with taxpayer money.  All of their money comes from taxpayers.  None of it comes from any other source.  Did they work to earn this money?  In most cases,  yes.  Does this mean that their wages are not taxpayer funded?  Of course not.  If Obama is serious about cutting taxes for the middle class,  the amount of money we spend on federal employees and [especially] their lush benefit packages,  should be target number one. 

Secondly,  wages are not the problem.  Benefits,  whether  federal ,  state or local,  are the dollars that are killing off the taxpayer funded employer.  When Obama tells us that the solutions he has in mind “are all about math,”  he forgets to tell you that big spenders  -  whether Democrat or Republican – have no clue when it comes to math in determining predictive and future liabilities versus incoming revenues.  They simply cannot figure future liabilities and are always shocked when they “discover”  their agencies owe millions and billions in “unfunded liabilities.” 

When it comes to Social Security,  for example,  the feds owe themselves 17 trillion dollars and counting  -  in unfunded debt-against-future-outlays.  Medicare is owed 39 trillion,   for a total of 56 trillion dollars of unfunded liabilities in just those two programs.  Never mind the rising debt owed to military retirees,  and the billions owed in interest to our foreign debtors. 

The combined economies of the world,  spend 62 trillion a years.  We owe nearly that same total,  in just four of our federal programs,  never mind state and local debt.  

Responsible people in the Boomer generation,  have been screaming about this situation,  for decades.  And now,  we [Baby Boomers] are retiring at the rate of 10,000 per stinking day.  The average Social Security benefit is $1,138.00 per month.  At 30,000 new accounts per month . . . .  well . . . . . . you do the math.   This daily/monthly burden will see no relief for the coming 13 years,  while the workforce that funds this growing tax burden,  is getting smaller and smaller by the year.  During the first four years of the Obama Error, alone,  we have lost 9 million jobs and 8 million people out of the workforce. 

Understand that federal government big spenders,  have already spent your children's children's money.  Think about that for a moment.  And the "good old days" are not coming back.  This notion that GDP will rise to 4 or, even,  6 percent in a healthy economy,  is nonsense.  Ain't going to happen.  And,  if we can't grow our way out of this mess (via a healthy GDP),  we are doomed to be where we are,  20 years from now.  

Hey,  but keep telling the world that we tea-party folks are the wacko's when it comes to balancing the budget and saving the Third Generation from the disaster  the current generation and its children,  are facing.  

I'd rather be a "wacko"  than an feckless moron.

I have my retirement.  Too bad about yours.  


  1. You were wrong about the election, you're wrong about America. This is a great nation and will become greater since Obama has been reelected. The regressive ankle bitiers like Smithson will eventually die off and America will prosper, particularly with our president's emphasis on education and energy independence.

  2. Like I said, Boozo, I have my retirement, too bad about yours.
