The worst of any government is seen in the "arrest" of the California film maker.

<<<<<  Anyone think this is an everyday,  "Hey dude,  we thought we would stop by and talk to you about your probation" conversation,  or more ordered thuggery from Obama?

The film maker taken into custody in the middle of the night,  was not an enemy of the state;  he was a scape-goat for this Administration.  Within minutes after the Administration decided it needed a "fall guy,"  we were introduced to the producer of this video told that he was an ex-con and a crook.  We all now know where he lived (he has since gone into hiding,  trying to avoid the death sentence this Administration has gifted to him).  His name and revealing picture have been outed (I will not share either with you).

When he was "taken into custody"  by the goons in the Los Angeles County Sheriff department  (sorry,  I have no respect for law enforcement which allows themselves to be used against Americans),  the local press was obviously notified.  Every aspect of this incident that could be covered by "plausible deniability,"  a favorite of this Administration, was used.  Kind of scary.  Understand what happened here:  we have been told the Sheriff Department only picked him up for question as to his probation  --  right !!!(?)  They only wanted to "talk to him,"  but sent 5 or 6 officers to him home,  in the  middle of the stinking  night,  joined by the local media.  "Chunky style barnyard" is my best description for this bit of unAmericana.  Can you believe all of this?

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