So he reads his intelligence briefings every day? Question: then, why the heck was he taken by surprise on this one?

Obama has no regular terror briefings
For eight years,  President 43, took time each morning to sit in on the daily intelligence briefing  --  six days a week,  never missing a single meeting for eight years.  And,  this can be confirmed with the White Calendar. 

By contrast and according to a study by the Government Accountability Institute,   Obama has  attended only  43.8 percent of his Presidential Daily Briefs or a little more than 530 of the first 1225 briefings of his presidency (up to the past three or four days).   Worse yet,  the daily log does not show his attendance at any of the past six briefings.  His last briefing was on September 5. 

 Obama denies this and makes his argument
Of course,  the White House claims to have a better process,  with Obama reading the daily intelligence briefings without fail,  on a daily basis.  Rather than spend an hour or more fulfilling his single more important duty as president,  Obama chooses to take 5 minutes and move on. 

Our Question: if he is informed,  why was he surprised? 
Let’s assume that he is not covering his backside,  on this one.  Question:  why were the events of the past 24/48 hours such a surprise to this Administration?  You ask, “How do you know this was a surprise?”  and I answer with this:  “If ‘surprise’ was not a part of the equation,  if he was, in fact fully informed and aware,  why did he not move our diplomats out of harm’s way?”    

Understand that with this new president,  Obama took the responsibility of interrogating foreign captures away from the CIA and . . . . . . . .   well . . . . . .  and,  he has not seen a supervised and productive  interrogation since.  Under Obama,  it is more humane to kill the terrorists,  along with their families and neighbors,  than to interrogate them.  

We kill the enemy,  we do not capture and interrogate them. 

The treasure trove of info from the bin Laden raid was short lived.
Certainly the killing of bin Laden gave us much information,  but,  within days,  Obama had to straddle the closest open mic and brag about all those captured documents,  effectively warning the terror community to make different plans immediately. 

We know less now than in 2004  -  A criminal offense in my book. 
“We” know less about the terror network that seeks our destruction than we did in 2004,  period. 

The real crime in all this is  found in the fact that Obama is no longer at war with radical Islam.  Think about it,  no more prosecutions of terrorist,  no more interrogation session and none are being brought back to this country so the FBI can do their job. 

Obama ratted out our intelligence “underground” in Yemen,  has left Iraq to become an ally of Iran,  has given several billion dollars to Hamas  and is preparing to cut and run from Afghanistan before that mission is complete.  In fact,  it is clear that he really does not want an United States military presence anywhere in the Middle East.  Crazy . . . . . . .  and,  like I have said since the beginning of his presidency,  

 “Before we get rid of him,  he just might get us all killed.”  

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