<<<<< If we include TARP into the Bush years and average his deficits, that average is 4.43 billion, about a third of Obama's claim for G.W. Yet, no one including Fox ever bothers to correct Obama's claims for Bush.
Keys to understanding the embedded truth of this chart:
George Bush took office on January 20 of 2001, Bill Clinton's final budget year
did not end until September 30 of 2001 (federal fiscal years begin on
October 1 and run through September 30.
Obama's last fiscal year will
begin this coming October - although he and his party have never
approved a single budget for fiscal years 2010 (his first fiscal year), 2011,
2012 and 2013.His is the only Administration in 236 years of American
history to have completed a full four year term without passing a single budget.
Personally, Obama is, also, the first president in history to
fail to get a single vote on three different budget proposals authored by him.
two proposals losing in his Democrat Senate 97 to Nothing and 99 to
Nothing and, again, in the House 414 to Nothing. Reason?
It added 11 trillion to the national debt and no one wanted to add their
names his brand of legislative idiocy . . . . . . inept and nonsensical is this fact !!!!!!?
The chart, below, begins with 2002,
G.W.'s first fiscal year. His last fiscal year ended in September
of 2009.
Before talking about 2009,
make note of the seven preceding years; they ran an average deficit
of 306 billion, not the 1.4 trillion per year Obama wants you to
believe. In fact, Obama takes that one year (2009) and applies it to all 8 years of the Bush presidency, and no one ever calls him on this, a blatant lie.
Sooo, what about 2009? You are looking at 1.4 trillion for that year, alone. How did that happen? Well, Obama rolled ALL of TARP ($700 billion) into the final year of Bush and, with that bit of phony accounting, we get "1.4 trillion" and Obama gets to say, "Bush averaged 1.4 trillion while my deficits run less at 1.2 trillion on average. I actually spent less than Bush." Understand the magnitude of this lie. Obama administered nearly all of the TARP fund. It is an "open account" to this day, used by Obama to fund part of the GM bail-out, and who knows what other secretive expenses. If we include TARP into the Bush years and average his deficits, that average is 4.43 billion, about a third of Obama's claim for G.W.
306 Billion a year DOES qualify him. Easily. Not as bad as Obama, sure. But easily qualifies.
ReplyDeleteLet's actually try to be sensible about spending, please? Nobody in the Republican Party comes close. Not even Ryan.
Well Ron Paul did, but he's out now.
Do you think I am defending the Bush spending years? No so, grasshopper. Only putting his spending into context. Obama's spending is nearly four times that of Bush.