Obama's second term would deepened the arranged power given to Big Labor via Obama and his misuse of "executive order." Virtually all of Obama's orders, listed in this post, should be reversed on Day #1, provided Romney wins the election.

<<<<  When Unions buy presidents,  the American people lose. The  All American Entrepreneur with info from the Daily Caller,  makes for a most important Midknight Review post.  

After Big Labor spent nearly $1 billion to get President Obama and his forced-unionism allies elected in 2008, Obama did not disappoint.

Here is a breakdown of the top 10 most outrageous Big Labor paybacks of the Obama administration:

1. Hiding union boss expenditures. Obama started his term strong. Shortly after getting elected, Obama appointed forced-unionism partisan Hilda Solis to run the Department of Labor. Solis, in combination with numerous Obama executive orders, promptly rolled back any (albeit modest) progress in union boss transparency and disclosure requirements . . . . .

2. Obama’s first budget slashed funding for the Office of Labor and Management Standards (OLMS), the federal agency that enforces union disclosure laws. . . . . 

3. Obama stack the deck as to the membership of the union watchdog agency,  the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), placing two union members to the three man commission . . . . . . .

4. Throwing away election ballots. Becker [see point#3] was a key vote in striking down any protections workers had against card-check union organizing drives, . .. . 

5. Ambushing workers. The Obama NLRB pushed new rules to make union organizing campaigns as one-sided as possible by ambushing workers into union membership and dues payments. . . . . . . .  

6. Compelling employers to promote unionism. . . . . .

7. Persecuting non-union job providers. . . . . . . 

8. Constitution out on “recess.”  Obama using ‘executive orders’ to circumvent congress. . . . . .

9. Runaway (unionism) train  -  unionizing all our national rail systems.

10. Obamacare(s) for union bosses  -  ObamaCare punishes non-union 
healthcare providers and opens the door to the unionization of all 21 million healthcare providers including our nations doctors  --  against their will. . . . . .

Source:  thanks to the Daily Caller for its work on this matter.  You will need to read that article for its fully stated work. 

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