Did you see Obama on Letterman? Do you really believe that he does not know the size of the national debt ??? If true, what does that mean? If a silent lie, what does THAT mean??

<<<<<<   At some point in the discussion,  last night,  don't you know that Letterman was,  at least, thinking, "You mean to tell me you really don't know the size of the national debt ??!!!!!!" 

The WaPo:is reporting this part of the Obama/Letterman conversation,  last night.  

David Letterman professes at one point in his discussion with President Obama to be “completely ignorant about politics.” Such a shortcoming, you might suppose, would disqualify the “Late Show” host from quizzing the president on the issues of the day. 

When it came to the national debt, however, the ignorance came in handy.  Having tuned in to the Republican National Convention, Letterman was moved by one of the confab’s signal messaging achievements. As he explains to the president:   Here’s what I found troubling [at the GOP convention]…They had the clock, the debt countdown clock and, I mean, this thing is going like crazy and it’s several trillion dollars. Now, what is that?
Obama responded with a recent history of government spending. Then Letterman went back to the tally: “Now, do you remember what that number was? Was it $10 trillion?” [no doubt,  Letterman knew full well the approximate number of the debt  -  "10 trillion" was the size of the debt when Obama took office - blog editor].  

Then came the payoff, as the president made clear that he really didn’t want to utter the word “16”: “I don’t remember what the number was precisely"  . . . . . . .    end of article excerpt.  

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