<<<<< Omar_Abdel-Rahman may be released either before or after the coming election (should Obama win).
“No plan to release the blind sheik – no senior diplomats have approached the Administration.” So says the State Department spokesman.
Understand that in the Egyptian president’s inauguration speech, some week's ago, President Morsi demanded the release of the
blind sheik responsible for the Twin Towers bombing back in 1993. Keep this in mind, throughout the day and week, when the Administration tells us that "no top level diplomat has asked for the release." Remember, Morsi is as high as you can get within the Egyptian hierarchy.
Over the past several days,
this has become a prevailing rumor.
It has been repeated over and over again. Such is usually a precursor to a similar
event, in real time.
Is Obama thinking about this release? Of course he is. How do I know this? Because the man believes that compromise and capitalization (appeasement) as an unilateral response to violence and the promise of violence
will secure peace.
In early 2010, he surrendered the missile defense shields in Czechoslovakia and Poland, against the will of those governments and the
US Congress. In exchange, he got nothing for his unilateral
On every turn, he has thwarted the plans of Israel in its opposition to Iran's nuclear threat, believing that peace without power will win the day.
He is pulling American military presence out of the Middle East in toto. As a result, Iraq has turned to Iran for partnership and Afghanistan is devolving into an ignominious military loss under his watch and pacifist policies.
He is in the business, presently,
of taking our nuclear arsenal to zero,
even before any other nation makes that same commitment, believing that our example will signal the
end of the nuclear threat - a childish assumption in the face of the many
bully-nations in our world.
now, we have his thinly veiled effort at
solving the crisis of violence in the Middle East by cowering down to the
demands of Islamic leaders. He refuses to call terror attacks what they are. Fort Hood has been written off to "work place violence" and the Libyan disaster is being typified by this head-in-sand Administration as a spontaneous event in response to an anti-Islamic film. not a terror event in response to the 21 proclamations at the recent DNC of "Osama bin Laden is dead and GM is alive." Understand that in addition to mention of the film, their are signs at every terror event proclaiming, "We are 1.5 billion Osama bin Ladens."
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