From ABC News, tonight, we learn that a third “embassy staff member”
was actually a private contractor sent to the region to discover and defuse
weapons of mass destruction.
Sept. 13, 2012
One of the Americans killed alongside Ambassador Christopher
Stevens in an attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya Tuesday
told ABC News before his death that he was working with the State Department on
an intelligence mission to round up dangerous weapons in the war-torn nation.
In an interview with ABC News last month, Glen Doherty, a
42-year-old former Navy SEAL who worked as a contractor with the State
Department, said he personally went into the field to track down so-called
MANPADS, shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, and destroy them. After the
fall of dictator Moammar Gadhafi, the State Department launched a mission to
round up thousands of MANPADS that may have been looted from military
installations across the country. U.S. officials previously told ABC News they were concerned the
MANPADS could fall into the hands of terrorists, creating a threat to
commercial airliners.
Doherty said that he traveled throughout Libya chasing
reports of the weapons and once they were found, his team would destroy them on
the spot by bashing them with hammers or repeatedly running them over with
their vehicles. When ABC News spoke to Doherty in late August, he was enjoying
a short time off in California before heading back to Libya just days ago. . . .
You will hear multiple accounts of what and who Doherty was about, but the information in this report was actually taken from a one on one interview with the Seal Team Six member, just a few days ago.
The Huffington Post, for example, makes the story of his death more about his supposed fight against "religious intolerance" than about the Muslim Morons (how's that for intolerance?) who ran him down and killed him.
In the Huffinton story, those authors' blame Coptic Christian for an insulting film about Islam and Islam's "prophet," Mohammad. The Post makes no mention about the 70 Coptic Christians butchered in Egypt because of their faith. Instead, the Post has this to say, as if this was the more critical problem:
He confirmed for me how deeply entrenched
fundamentalist Christianity is in the DoD Spec Ops [Department of Defense
Special Operations] world of the SEALs, Green Berets, Delta Force, Army Rangers
USAF ... and DoD security contractors like the former Blackwater,"
Weinstein said in an email to The Huffington Post. Doherty "helped me on
many MRFF client cases behind the scenes to facilitate assistance
to armed forces members abused horribly by fundamentalist Christian
For the readers' information, there is no such thing as "horrible abuse" via proselytizing effort within Christian fundamentalism. None whatsoever. Such accounts are nothing more than chunky-style barnyard, and those who make up such accounts know this, very well.
Understand that this same article did not tell the full story of Doherty's presence and mission in Libya, nor did the writers get it right as they blamed Coptic Christian for the supposed film that has caused the uprisings. The Huffington Post is the only blog I am aware of , giving this account. As a result, there is little in this story that is truly believable.
Was he a member of a "religious freedom" group within the military. Looks like he was, but the accounts of "horrible abuse" at the hands of Christian fundamentalists are nuts, if not a deliberate lie. Of course, the larger story is the death of Glen Doherty, and his mission in Libya. He was a hero long before his death and we are angry that this Administration refuses to hold the Libyan government responsible for the orchestrated deaths of our diplomatic corp.
Understand, Libyan "security" forces ratted out the second location of our people where they ran to hide, and exposed them to the rape and murders. No one is reporting rifle or gun fire in an effort to protect our embassy personnel. No Libyan Islamic perverts were shot or wounded.
And how does someone get "excited" enough to rape another man, in the streets, in the middle of a so-called riot? How perverted do you have to be?
Point of post: as is the case with Fast and Furious, or MF Global or the Solyndra scandal (along with the other 15 green companies gone bankrupt) or the missing trillions run through the TARP program, there is much much more to all this than meets the eyes.
Its just a shame that we have to piece together the truth rather than have a "president" who will simply "level" with us. We are all grown-ups, here. We can take the truth, but when one has the habit of lying, when he goes from cover-up to cover-up, thinking those who listen are too stupid to figure out the truth, well, then it is time to kiss that beggar good-bye, no?
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