Yesterday, I gave Hillary a little slack . . . . . but my nice has turned into anger and here is why, and it really is a big deal. Hint: the Ambassador was raped !!!

<<<<<   Hillary with that wonderful hairdo,  standing before the camera making up stuff.

When I say,  "It really is a big deal,"  I was referring to the terrible,  terrible details surrounding Ambassador Steven's death yesterday,  not my personal angst.  

After noting Hillary's heart felt statement [it did appear to impassioned and sincere]  in contrast to Obama's cold and professorial  statement,  void of passion or compassion,  I came across this accounting of Ambassador's Steven's last memories:  

But we have a shocking and disgusting update in the murder of the US ambassador in Libya and the killing of the other Americans inside that occurred yesterday, as it was revealed that the US Ambassador was raped by members of the rabid Muslim mob who brutally murdered him and paraded his mutilated body through the streets of Benghazi.

Little did I know that this is common to the ways of these Muslim jihadist. 
Although sickening to a civilized person, this is a common act in a Muslim performance, a similar act of rape was carried out on Muammar al-Gaddafi in his final moments. . . . you will want to read the full article here,  at The Body of Truth.  

Question:  when was Secretary Clinton going to come around and tell us of this perversion?  When was she going to tell us about the month old planning that went into the assassination of our Ambassador?  I would like to know why she told us that the Libyan "security" forces were taking Steven's to hospital and when was she going to correct that inaccuracy?  


Update:  FoxNews is reporting the rape account as well,  as of this evening  (9/3/12)/  

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