Once again, and how many examples do we have, Obama is embarrassed by his own words. Over and over again, this man simply cannot get it right.
He criticized Bush for adding 4 trillion to the national debt in eight years, and then increases the national debt by 5 trillion in his first four years.
He proclaimed with certainty the one trillion dollar '09 Stimulus would keep keep unemployment under 8%. It has not been under 8% since that time.
I am a friend of Israel, yet he has publicly dissed Netanyahu twice and has not set foot in Israel since becoming president.
He has pronounced, "I am a Christian," yet, has ordered the name of "Jesus" covered over at Georgetown University, ordered churches to hire people who are not of their faith, even atheists, (defeated by the Supreme Court in January by a 9-0 majority vote), has tried to take away tax exempt status of religious charities, ordered those who served in his version of the peace corp (pronounced "core" for all you Democrats, out there) that they cannot attend church services during their time of civilian service, and, of late, has ordered the Catholic Church to abandon its centuries old stance on abortion and violate its conscience as he works to rewrite the Constitution without a national Constitutional referendum.
He brags about his foreign policy, yet the only thing he can put forth is his hypocritical war policy.
He has complained of "inheriting the Bush mess" yet, voted for each and every spending bill signed into law by Bush while he (B Obama) served as Senator.
Obama criticized Bush as being "unpatriotic and irresponsible" running up the debt, yet, pretends to be insulted for being called the same names, for doing the same thing as Bush.
Bush won the war in Iraq. Obama is about to lose the peace, in that country.
He claimed humanitarian intervention in Libya, when 300 were killed, yet, stands by and talks as 9,000 Syrians are murdered in that country.
He spoke of driving back the rising tides of the ocean and causing the earth to begin to cool (Campaign speech in Germany, 2008) yet, has done nothing to deal those issues, in a legislative sense of the word.
He promised Hispanics that he would have comprehensive immigration policy in place by the end of 2009, yet, did not to that end including leaving a single legislative mention of this phony campaign promise.
Obama criticizes Wall Street for handing out bonuses and 7 days later, allows Fannie and Freddie department chiefs 6.4 million in bonuses.
In the summer of 2011, Obama sends congress a so-called jobs bill and 24 hours later, criticizes them for taking too long.
Obama blames Republicans for trying to harm seniors with Medicare cuts when he, himself, personally ordered a half trillion in Medicare cuts in an effort to "pay for" ObamaCare. .
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