You have to be a Right Wing nut to think this is not normal, correct?


  1. But it's OK for Dick Cheney's daughter.

  2. Oh, I should add that I while I do not believe the "I have no choice but to be queer" story, I would not favor laws that put me in their bedroom.

    The gay marriage issue is a matter of "free speech." Under the useless "hate crime" law, in time it will be illegal for me to criticize queers or to use that word. If "marriage" is expanded to gays, it will be illegal for me, as a retired pastor to refuse to perform their marriage ceremonies - which I will refuse to do. My conscience is the line in the sand. Do what you want, as long as you do not drag me into your whore house.

    You mentioned Cheney's daughter. If she is not a militant gay, she and I could get along. But if she is going to order my life because of her lust, well, that is not going to happen.

    Understand this: "freedom of speech" means absolutely nothing if we cannot be offensive in the sight of others.

    Conservatives have compromised all that they can without compromising matters of conscience. Time for civil disobedience is here. And, if that does not work, uncivil action is ordered by the Constitution in the part that speaks of "enemies within and without." That is where your side of the debate has taken us.

    Disagree? Drop death.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Democrats have stayed the same ideologically in recent years. Republicans have become increasingly radicalized and further right Everyone knows this. It's hard for people to see outside their bubble.
