Contrary to popular conservative opinion, Brown does help "the cause" and is holding his own against Elizabeth Warren's campaign.

Senator Scott Brown,  a disappointment to many in the Teaparty (but not to me) did the impossible on January 19th, 2010,  and won the Senate seat held for decades by Ted Kennedy and Democrats before him.  His margin of victory was 52% to 47% and the victory was considered one of the most surprising upsets in American history.  His inclusion in the 2010 Senate ended the super-majority rule of Senate Democrats and spelled doom for Cap and Trade.   Brown's election was, also,  used as a predictor of the 2010 midterm elections and a referendum of sorts against Obama's first year in office.

His Senate election was a "special" election, one that filled out the remainder of Ted Kennedy's term.  Brown is up for election to a six year term,  this coming November.

White House Correspondents Dinner, 2010
Scott Brown with wife and daughters.
The Democrats desperately want the Massachusetts seat back in the Democrat column.  Obama has hand-picked Elizabeth Warren to run against Brown.  Warren is a Harvard pin-headed prof,  the creator of the newly established Consumer Protection Agency,  and one of five civilian over-seers of TARP expense allocations,  allocations that have shamefully totaled more than 7 trillion (with a "t"), with some believing total allocations to be as high as 23 trillion (TARP was approved at $700 million).  

When Warren first entered the Massachusetts race,  she was touted by the local and liberal media as an overwhelming favorite and was ahead in all the [liberal] polls.  The excitement has warn off,  however,  and Brown has taken a rather commanding lead in the polls,  coming up as the front-runner in the last three consecutive polls.   In one poll,  he is up by 8 points and in a second,  taken last week,  he is up by 10 points.  The female vote is Brown's claim to fame,  Brown winning that demographic by a whopping 50 to 28 percent.

His most recent Senate vote was to support a resolution that would confirm the rule of conscience in the ongoing debate over women's health issues.  This fact seems to be somewhat of a surprise to in-state Democrat strategists.  In an article from the WaPost, we have this comment:  "Brown’s campaign manager Jim Barnett argued in a recent memo that the contraception debate has actually helped the senator. Warren, Brown’s campaign manager argued in a memo, “has shifted to become a ‘culture warrior’” while Brown “stood against this assault on religious freedom. . . . .   these surveys are a reminder to Democrats enthusiastic about Warren’s candidacy that Brown will be hard to beat, and a suggestion that the politics of birth control is more complicated than it appears at first glance.

Clearly (I believe),  if the GOP can somehow manage to get back on track,  the fight over "the pill" will be history and the fight to continue religious liberties will rise to the forefront of the political debate.  If this happens,  Democrats lose big time on this issue. Understand that while most Catholic women use the pill,  59% of Catholics strongly disapprove of Obama's positioning against "the Church" (Rasmussen Reports).  While Rush Limbaugh's  attack on Ms Fluke has muddied the waters a bit,  there is plenty of time  for the sludge to settle to bottom of the pond and the real issues to rise to the top.  Brown's recent survey "success" is encouraging in this regard.

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