Obama's highest Rasmussen 7 day average in two and half years

The seven day approval average rose to 48.287%  Obama's highest in more than two years.  That's the Obama good news.  The bad news is this:  his "strongly approve," a measurement of the enthusiasm level for this man's presidency remains at 26% on average, more than 20  points below his ratings at the time of his election. 

Factors that play into this increased approval rating are these:  good news for the economy;  a very contentious GOP primary process and the fact that most of the negative opinions being broadcast have to do with the Republican candidates.  Obama's numbers will increase based upon this last factor,  alone.  

Let's not forget that Obama's approval numbers improved significantly (to 46.4285%) in the days leading up to the 2010 midterm elections,  an we all know what a butt-kicking that was.  

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