Declining unemployment, a short term trend, a sham, or the truth?

We now know that the the 243,000 "net jobs created"  is a fictional number,  based on a process of sorts that is called "seasonal averaging."  

The actual number of folks who were employed in December and lost their jobs in January is, at least,  1.2  million.  That's right.  "They" used their little formulas and personal instincts to come up with the "actual" number,  and that made for a  good for the Obama.  Nonsense.  

Seasonal or not,  there remains 1.2  million people running around the nation unemployed and no longer being counted.   Go to the very well thought of,  Zero Hedge,  for more information on this matter.

The reason for posting the chart,  is to point to what may be a trend, emphasis on "may."  A year ago,  the first of the year (2011) saw an upward movement in the jobs that petered out in early summer.  Will we see something similar in 2012?  And what effect is the fact that 1.2 million workers were dropped from the statistically defined workforce, in January?   Those who are no longer counted in the labor/employment stats are 87.9 million people,  up from 86.7 million in in December.  My goodness,  if you are not going to count 88 million people into the workforce,  of course,  your unemployment numbers declined.  

As I write,  I seem to remember another number,  making this reporting business more of a sham than it is,  per the facts that I do remember.  2.3 million is the number bouncing around in my head. I am thinking this is number that was "seasonally adjusted"  but don't quote me on this,  without my confirming 


  1. Smithson bends over backwards to convince you America is failing.

    What a patriot.

  2. You confuse "America" with the policies of a Marxist wannabe from Chicago.

  3. The haters will hate. Can't do much about that. So much for respecting the office of the president and the Commander in Chief ... you know, the guy who gave the order to kill bin Laden, and save hostages in Somalia. No 9/11s on his watch.

  4. He made our soldiers give Miranda rights to some of their captures; did not allow them to fire first on the battlefield. I quit with respect for the "presidency" about the time Clinton started talking about what kind of underwear he had on -- and how did you treat Bush, you piece of crap. Drop dead on that issue.

    Jobless claims down? Of course. When you drop 1.2 people off out of the workforce in a single month, the "unemployment rate" goes down every time.
