Anyone ever wonder what happened to all those women Cain
"molested?" Where is all the news attention. It has only been four weeks since he quit the race. No criminal charges. No law
suits. No lingering press conferences. No books. No nothing
!! If the injuries had been real and the stories true, they would
not have ended on the very day Herman Cain quit the race. . . . . period.
Remember the first
two? They hide behind a supposed legal requirement for
"silence." When that legal prohibition was lifted,
they tucked tail and ran back into the darkness from which they
That blond who
objected to Herman's sexually criminal actions with the words, "What
are you doing; don't you know I have a boyfriend" is nowhere to be found.
And the babe
claiming a 13 year "affair" with Herman? She could not produce
a single gift, a hotel receipt or phone contact before a year ago. In
fact, nearly all of the phone calls that have been verified were initiated by
her. Cain never denied knowing her but no one could offer a single bit of
evidence to prove the story to be true.
Have we forgotten
the promised press conference of the four women? Didn't happen.
And, to think that so many believed
the agenda drive Leftist media rag, Politico, and the media hound, Gloria
Alred. Never forget that radical Leftists believe that lying is justified if the end is considered [by them] to be righteous.
second Cain resigned his efforts, all of this disappeared. In criminal
trials, one who flees the scene of a crime can be considered as
guilty. Well, a month after Cain quit (Dec. 3, 2011), his accusers
have all fled the "scene of the crime." as I see it.
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