Notes regarding the Department of Labor: a comparison of November 2010 and 2011

                                                                                             Total nonfarm Over-the-year                                   Nov. 2010       Nov. 2011                                     employment      employment       change     percent change   130108 million  131708 million   1600.0 mil    1.2% 

Source: Department of Labor comparison

What is not reflect in this post but is a part of Labor stats, is that the private sector contributed 1.87 million to the 2011 total.

Of the 132 million people currently working (out of 153 million who want to work), 2.3 million are "part-timers."

The civilian labor force participation rate declined by 0.2 percentage point to 64.0 percent. The employment-population ratio, at 58.5 percent, changed little. (See table A-1.)

The only way a 64% figure of the civilian labor force "works,"  is if that force totals 206 million people.  Our total population is a little over 312 million (4.7% of the World's population).  

In the end,  and as relates to the recent 8.6% unemployment report for November, 315,000 are the result of people giving up on job search and no longer counted into the month totals. This is a number given to us by the Department of Labor.  

If Obama's government counted this circumstance into their reported totals,  the 
unemployment rate would be 8.8% 

There are even more problems than this,  but that will come with later reporting on this blog.  

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