Obama has decided to play the numbers game. Here is a perfect example.

In the following two post, below, I make the claim that 177,000 folks are missing, among other things, from the Department of Labor stats. Believing this to be true, I listened with purpose throughout the day, yesterday, to the pointie heads talking about this latest monthly report.

Turns out that I am not the only one who thinks this report is a joke. Understand that that "we" went from 9.0% to 8.6% in a single month when absolutely nothing was offered to support that claim. This report is saying, "We just put 612,000 people to work in a single month." Nonsense.

We know that 315,000 people in November, "fell off" the labor roles because they quit looking for work. We know that because Obama's Department of Labor told us so. But, rather than counting them as "quitters," the Obama Labor Department counted them as folks who found work and used that number in this ridiculous report. The "315,000" account for two tenths of a point on this report, bring the unemployment percentage down to 8.8% on its own merits, as bogus a claim as that is.

Anyway, I explain this in the following post so I won't rehash here. When I wrote that post, I had no idea where the 177,000 were. In an involved discussion on Fox Business News, yesterday, one of the experts suggested that some of the problem was solved when we run previous reports and discover that updated numbers were not added into any of the previous reports. In other words, previous reports were shorted . . . a little here and a little there . . . . . . and then added into November report.

In that fact, I was reminded of the first months of the Obama strategy as it dealt with the numbers game, back in early 2009. In that first year, the government got busy collecting information for the nation's 10 year census report. Numbers varied, but between 400,000 and 600,000 people were employed, part time, to collect this information. Rather than report those hirings as they occurred, the Obama people used those hirings at their convenience, to keep the "jobs created" number artificially high. That worked for a season, but, in time, reality trumped make-believe.

Understand that Obama has been campaigning full time since April and has not been able to stop the downward trend as to his approval ratings. Gallup just presented the lowest approval rating for any president since Truman, for this time in any first term. In Rasmussen, Obama continues to run in the 44% to 48% range and has been doing so for nearly two years.

No doubt, his advisers know they need to do something to kick his numbers into an upward trend. Lord knows, they have been trying. So, we have, now, moved into a numbers strategy with the unemployment reports. Obama believes that an ignorant electorate is his friend, and he is right. How do you fight lies? With truth and information. But, there are times when truth is not story of the day. You have to go looking of it.

Grab your shovel. There's plenty of chunky style barnyard to wade through in your search for the truth.

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