The Marxist Media wins again. First Sarah, now Herman.

Well, after firing off four volleys, they finally "got 'em."

Ginger White/ Gloria and Herman Cain.

Those first two babes? They disappeared from sight as soon as they appeared. They originally hide behind "signed agreements" that "forced" their silence. Then some one reminded them there was no "agreement," only a "termination of employment" memo. The moment permission was given to these women to speak out, they fled the scene of the crime, never to be heard of, again.

The third babe, a blond, well, I dismissed her story, almost immediately, because of the words of her first press conference. I focused on two points: in her comments, she had Herman Cain renting an expensive hotel room, but never taking her to the room; only asking her how she liked the room. That was HER story. Does that ever happen? And then the part that really got to me was this: " . . . . . he put his hand on my genitals ("genitals" !! hmmmm) and when he pulled my head down into his [fully clothed] lap, I said, 'What are you doing. don't you know I have a boy friend?' "

Apparently, if she had not had a boy friend, all would have been fine. Women !!! Think about it. Would this be your objection when being forced into a sex act: "No, no, please, no. I have a boyfriend." Geeeeesh.

Anyway, and now comes this woman, Ginger White.

While appearing on MSNBC, the Marxist version of NBC, she issued this apology on Thursday:

"I am not a cold-hearted person. I am a mother of two kids. And of course my heart bleeds for this woman because I am a woman and being in a situation like this cannot be fun. And I am deeply, deeply sorry if I have caused any hurt to her and to his kids, to his family. That was not my intention. I never wanted to hurt anyone and I'm deeply sorry. I am very sorry.

Now, of course, when someone wants to express a sincere apology, the first thing they do is run to a Marxist news agency, the very network that dug up their story and paid them for "coming forward," and issue an apology designed to be heard by millions of junior leftists and gossip hounds. Wow.

Look at this apology; "My heart bleeds for" Gloria Cain. I am a woman and know that this cannot be fun - forget that I am the one who was screwing her husband, not one time, not for one year, not for five years, not or 10 years but for 13 stinking years.. . . . . .

Continue reading here . . . . .   I am deeply sorry if -- yeah, she said "if" -- I caused hurt to Gloria Cain. "That was not my intention" in spite of the fact that I am here, today, appearing before millions of Democrats in a television studio hundreds of miles away and after going through "make-up," apologizing for what I have done.

And what did she leave out of her report? There are those phone calls from Herman. Almost all of them in return to her calls. None of them followed by the two "lovers" ever "getting together" --- which is kind of like, what lovers do, you know. 60 phone calls followed by 60 nights of bliss ?? Not even hinted that.

Did she roll out the mountains of gifts given to her by a man so in love that he continued this affair for more than a decade? Any talk of divorcing his wife? Any talk about a legitimate life of marital bliss with Herman? Exactly which hotels did they frequent? Pictures of the two "together?" All she has is a phone record, of late, and his admission that he gave her money.

Now, of course, Democrats believe there is only one reason for giving a woman money. And, even my wife suggested "where there is this much smoke, there must be a little fire."

Ok, I have to deal with my wife's claim. From looking at the facts, including all the information not presented in this sad tale, the only thing we can "prove" is that Herman felt the need to help this woman, as he has suggested. Smoke or not, there is no reason to believe that the relationship was more involved than this. In fact, Ginger White, herself, never got around to making this a sexual matter. Not a word of sex. Correct? Not a freaking word.

One thing for certain, this proves a huge difference between the two political parties. Clinton had affairs before and during his term as president. They were proven affairs and, at least one, occurred during working hours in the White House . . . like 60 times in the White House. That occasion when Middle East leaders were kept waiting for 45 minutes in the Rose Garden? Well, Clinton was on the other side of the office door, sitting there with his pants down, watching Monica doing the wild thing with a cigar. We know this because she told us so in her book.

That is not permitted in the GOP. Go ahead and challenge me on this.

Do I defend Herman? No, but I will not condemn him when the Enemy is clearly driving this story. It is clear, however, that "they" will continue to pay women to come forward with their stories until they accomplish their objective. Their "credibility" depends on achieving their goal.

While there has to be a reason why there is no substance to any of these stories, the traitors at Politico and MSNBC have decided that Cain will not be Obama's opposition and they are not going to quit until we all give up on it. That is what they did with Sarah . . . . . and believe me, they would have gone rabid had Palin chosen to run, beginning with that black college basketball player.

Understand, that the Left loses, in the matter, also. Readership is markedly down at Politico and viewership is an embarrassment at MSNBC.

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