From RealclearPolitics: From
a radio advertisement airing in Iowa:
"Are you unhappy with the current GOP field? Let me tell
you something, you are not alone. Join thousands of Iowans as we vote rogue.
It's the caucus for Sarah Palin on January 3. Let Iowa and the entire country
know we want real leadership and real reform in DC. So come on Iowa, vote rogue
on January 3!"
An independent group are [sic] running ads in Iowa asking voters to write in Palin's name. They will air on KCAU-TV in the Sioux City, Iowa market. Some will also air as a commercial during the Broncos-Chiefs game on WHBF-TV in the market for the eastern border of Iowa.
Let's not forget that two weeks
before Sarah decided to end the mystery about her campaign, she had
pulled within 5 points of Obama, nationally -- at a time when
she was wholly unannounced.
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