Finally, proof that the Girl Scouts have joined the Left Wing and is now a political organization.

In Mediaite,  we find this: " . . . . .  The Blaze [story] ,   accusing, [the Girl Scouts]  . . . . .   of left-wing bias was a jarring one to find, at first. But in looking closer, the Girl Scouts have a lot of explaining to do: in a book on media misinformation intended for children aged 6-8, they tell children a good resource to help fight misinformation is the liberal criticism site Media Matters. "   

Click on pic to enlarge.

It is the wording in the blue blurb at page bottom that is the issue in review. Here is the wording under the title

 Urban Legends and other misinformation   

The internet is a breeding ground for  “urban legends,”   which are false stories told as if true.  Next time you receive a text or an e-mail that seems unbelievable,  confirm it before you spread it.                             The fact checking site,,  investigates everything from urban legends to “news” articles and posts its findings.  Media Matters for America  . . . . gets the wrd [sic] out about media misinformation.   

Your loyal M.R. editor  (that would be me), went to the Girl Sout's official site just minutes before drafting this post.  References to Media Matters had already been "washed" from the site. . . . .  no mention at all to Media Matters.  

The fact that Mediate,  a left leaning entertainment blog,  had done its own investigation and found the Beck story to be accurate adds a strong sense of confidence as to the truth of the story.  

The Daily Caller reported this event:  "In a statement to The Daily Caller, Girl Scouts of the USA confirmed on Wednesday that its literature will no longer refer scouts to Media Matters For America as a source of information to balance bias in news reporting."     But there is a problem with The Daily Caller reporting;  it fails to reference The Blaze in which Beck breaks this story . . . . no credit whatsoever.  Disappointing.   In fact,  when you read the D.C. story,  you realize that you "somehow" missed the part that explains why the Scouts released their statement to the Caller.  Truth be told,  the reporters at the Caller read the story in the Blaze,  contacted the Scouts,  and,  built their story around that sequence of events with no mention of the original source.

On a related but different aspect of this story,  I found this as I search the Scouts archive file on their site: 


... resilience. In addition, contrary to what the media touts, family structure matters less than the quality of relation- ships. A ...

And what is this?  Well,  it is an article (PDF) that moves the young girl scout away from any bias against same sex marriage.  When the Scouts speak of “family structure,”  they are referencing the conflict between same sex “marriages” and traditional marriage.    Even without the Beck story and its abuse in The Daily Caller,  there is ample evidence that the Girl Scouts has a leadership that is Progressive in its make-up and radicalized in it scope. 

Parents beware !!!  

For those who are concerned,  Speak Now, Girl Scouts,  is a blog written by a one time member of the Girl Scouts,  detailing information as to the Leftist nature of the Scouts.  The whistleblowers who author, Speak Now . . .,  were originally driven out of the Scouts because of the close association between the Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood and that is documented at Life News.

Read Mediaites excellent conclusion here . . . . . . . . . . .

Continue reading here . . . . . .

Media Matters aside, there is a serious question here as to whether children as young as six should be taught about media misinformation at all, as if they were independent consumers of media without having parents to guide their viewing. The Blaze gives the entire “MEdia” operation a bit of a pass, suggesting that such a thing could be a “valuable tool” for young readers to decipher media messages. And sure, young readers need guidance wherever they can find it (I’ll never forget getting Bernie Goldberg‘s Bias as a birthday present when I was 13!). But how young is too young, and is it really the Girl Scouts’ responsibility to teach children about media bias? One would assume that leadership skills and love of nature would be higher on the list that whether today’s President Obama segment on Fox & Friends was accurate or not. Not to mention that their historical complete lack of work in this area shows rather starkly if they think Media Matters is an impartial observer of politics.

RELATED: Juan Williams: Media Matters ‘Ruins People’s Lives’ Over Political Disagreements

Also, at Life News, we have the revelation that the Girl Scouts have linked their site to Planned Parenthood. Since this story broke,  last summer,  the Scouts have apparently dropped that link.  It is a shame that the public has to continually moderate this bunch of sniveling liberals too keep their so-called non-partisan organization honest.

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