I have a great idea !! Let's ask Obama what, exactly, he intends to do that requires a second term. Don't we deserve to know the specifics?

"I need one more term to get the job done."

"The rich have left the poor and middle class behind. Those kids on the street, Occupy . . . . they are the reason I ran for president. "

Screw the Brits and Israel. Ahh, while I am thinking of it, screw that Tibetan monk fellow.

"I want to spread the wealth around, just to be fair."

"I intend to fundamentally transform America."

"Pass this bill without reading it . . . . . . now !!"

"I don't have time to wait. I must act without Congress."

"Did I say, I need more time to finish the job."


What's missing in all of the above? In fact, go back to the Obama speeches of 2008. Read over one or two. You will find the same common missing "whatever."

What is missing? A revealed agenda, that's what is missing. Anyone remember him talking about a $787 billion dollar Stimulus before the election? He knew he was going to push for a stimulus so why did he fail to mention it? You say, "How do you know his intent concerning the Stimulus ? " Well, considering that the Stimulus was written and SIGNED INTO LAW JUST 28 DAYS after he was sworn in, what do you think? He was sworn in on Jan.20th. The Stimulus was written and signed into law on Feb 17.

He had a plan before the first election. Think he does not have a plan now?

Think of all that he has tried to do and the processes he has used to get things done. Shouldn't he have told us what his specific plans were?

And what about this election? Are you going to vote for him, again, when you have no clue what it is that he intends to do?

Beginning with this post, our theme, my theme, for this blog and this election is simply this:

Obama, tell us specifically what you plan to do? We have a right to know, this second time around.

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