Mission Statement: This blog reviews the news of the day in light of 242 years of American history. "Nationalism," a modern day pejorative, has been our country's politic throughout history, until 2008. Obama changed that narrative. Trump is seeking a return to our historical roots. Midknight Review supports this return to normality.
The truth about Herman Cain and the recent charges from the Left.
- The headline to this article is "Herman Cain accused by two women of inappropriate behavior." Understand that it is The Politico that transitions from "inappropriate behavior" to "sexual harassment." I think that is significant.
- From the Politico piece, we have this: “I happen to know there were sealed settlements reached in the plural. I think that anybody who thinks this was a one-time, one-person transgression would be mistaken,” this source said." But the article, then, immediately begins talking about one woman; it mentions a second woman but never gets into any detail whatsoever. The "facts" of this story are about one woman accusing Cain of "inappropriate behavior," not sexual harassment."
- When you read the article, make note this caveat: the woman making this charge admits that she “might be the subject of another embarrassing story involving a presidential candidate.” Of course, this does not involve Cain, because he was not a presidential candidate back in the '90s.
- Proof that this is a single complaint is found in the article, itself. From the last page of this report, we have this quote: “Information about the incidents was apparently closely held, even among association board members. But one woman’s complaint apparently did make its way to at least some figures on the governing board when, at an association event, one board member got word that a female employee had complained about Cain’s advances, according to a source who was at the event. The source said the board member asked the woman directly about the episode and was told that Cain had invited her up to his suite at a prior association event.”
Conclusion: one simply cannot read this article without making note of its disregard for anything that is substantial or verifiable. It starts with "inappropriate behavior" and moves quickly to "sexual harassment." It pushes the notion that more than one woman is involved, yet, details the complaint of just one woman. It admits that this "one woman" may have been involved in another story, involving another individual - making her a "gold digger(?)." And, it asserts that money was paid, yet, never assumes that Herman Cain paid that bill or even knew about a settlement. In fact, the immediate past president (following Cain) of the board was not aware of this circumstance ("scandal" and/or payment), at all. In the end, this story is a caustic nothing burger, drummed up by a Leftist organization believing that the ends justify the means.*
* Don't believe me about "ends and means?" You should read Rules for Radicalsby Saul Alinsky. Chapter Two, in that guide for radical reformation, is all about the use of "ways and means." We should never, ever, believe anyone on any matter, who comes from a Rules for Radicals background. That includes Hillary, who was an intern for Alinsky and wrote her B.A. thesis on the life of Alinsky, or, Barack Obama who taught the theory of radical reform at the University of Chicago and used the principles of Rules for Radicalsin his business of community organization.
Understand that the strategy of "the ends justify the means" allows one to lie, pay people to lie, forge documents, and do whatever is necessary to accomplish the "accepted and proper goal." This is the very reason Politico is not to be trusted . . . . it thrives on the politics of Rules for Radicals.
It is "Chapter two" that gave rise to a political strategy knows as "deracialization." I wrote on this, back in 2008. You are probably reading about this for the first time, here.
Here is a definition of sorts from MegaEssays.com: "The term "deracialization," when applied to American electoral politics, refers to the conduction of a political campaign by a black candidate in which racial issues and themes are minimized, if not avoided completely . . . . .This is done to increase white electoral support, and the candidate is usually running for a position in a district that has a white majority.
Three reasons why I have never been a union man.

Police arrested the president, former president, and treasurer of Local 348 United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) based in New York, on Thursday. They are pictured in this post. All three are family members and were charged with racketeering and witness tampering. They are accused of extorting 2.4 million dollars from the poor smucks who are unionized under their leadership. Turns out their 150,000 dollar annual salaries (plus benefits) wasn’t enough. Of course, the union was a big time contributor to Democrat causes.
Understand this: there is nothing wrong with unions as long as salaries are based upon individual performance, dues are not used against union members' wishes, and their retirement/benefit funds are sustainable and debt free at any given time.
There are signs that we are coming out of recession. A second quarter of 2.5 GDP will prove the point.
Future / Expiration | USD / Unit | Today's Chg |
92.60 USD/Bbl. | 0.77% | |
3.93 USD/MMBtu | 0.18% | |
1,717.60 USD/T Oz. | 1.69% | |
645.75 USd/Bu. | 1.41% | |
1,212.50 USd/Bu. | 1.10% |
CitiCorps (pronounced "Citi - Core" for all you Obamanites) believes gold is on the rise, again, could climb to 1950, a record high.
Another day with nothing to do. News Flash: this is much more typical than you might think.
Obama Schedule || Friday, October 28, 2011
by Keith Koffler on October 27, 2011, 9:38 pm
10:45 am || Receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
4:00 pm || Meets with Secretary of State Clinton
5:10 pm || Attends a Diwali reception
Warming/Cooling are cyclical, not progressively upward. Them "progressives" can't get anything right.
Does Obama even know what the middle class looks like? We do. We have pictures to remind us.

I am Mr. Middle Class. My wife and I own two cars and a big dog motorcycle. We live in a nice home worth around $170,00 ($300,000 if it was in San Jose). We have a pool that has not been filled for four years. Our utility bill runs $350 a month on average -- $550 a month if we maintain the pool. We have two dogs. We have a gardener who is paid more, each month, than what he charges. We have 7 children and 15 grandkids and usually spend $2,500 for Xmas, but not this year. I am a retired carpenter/contractor who worked 80 hours a week for 45 years and have no respect for whiners who will not do the same (Obama spends about 20 hours per week doing what we hired him to do, by the way). The kids? Two teachers, one ER doctor, one 15 year lawyer, one struggling business owner, and two nurses.
"On a personal level, how have I been prospered by Obama?" Go ahead, make a list and send to here, to "comments." Hope and change do not pay the bills, do they?
Sooo, whose fault IS the continuing recession? We have the consensus opinion, here.
Question: how in the world do we quantify "blame?" On his first day in office, certainly, Obama was not to "blame" for any of it except as he shared in the Keynesian theory (read "idiocy") of economics. Does the blame factor increase with the second or third or fourth day of his presidency? But, then, that is not the question asked in this web pop-up.
Look carefully at what is being asked. It really is a pretty clever question. Is Obama to blame for the "lack of economic recovery?" Being that the average recession of the recent past lasts 18 months, perhaps the question is legitimate. But, you say, this is not an average recession. Indeed, you are correct, Sir. Nothing "average" about this one.
The Democrats enjoyed the blame game for more than two years. Rather than going with the accepted definition of "recession," [two negative GDP quarters in a row] , they appealed to a radically weakened economy, and carried the beginnings of the recession back to the opening days of 2008. Problem: using the same type of numbers, a "radically weakened economy," we have not been out of recession since then.
Instead of moving into “recovery” before the end of 2009, as was typical to past recessions, the current “crisis’ extended through all of 2009, through 2010, and, now, through 2011. Obama is the person who forecast “recovery” when he pushed for his trillion dollar Stimulus bill only 29 days into his first term.

Then and Now
Why "Arab Spring" is fast becoming "Democracy's Winter."
Let's stop with the myth that "thousands are involved in Occupy," shall we ?

About the Occupy movement.

One of 400 TEA Party rallies. This one numbered well over 800,000 - easily 10 times the total number of folks involved in Occupy across the nation. It's kind of like you on your bicycle and me on my man bike.
The Marxist Media has busied itself with embellishing the size and number of these demonstrations, from the very beginning. In researching their reporting, I have found that the only demonstrations of any size appear to be Occupy New York, Occupy Wall Street, and - to a lesser measure - Occupy Oakland. Supposedly, 100 cities have seen these demonstrations, but, if size matters, they are no more significant than the news of an impending snow storm. In Fresno, California, for example, 100 demonstrators showed up for day one of Occupy Fresno. Since then, the numbers have been around 30 individuals, several of them homeless people with nothing else to do. I know; I live here. In L.A., that demonstration sees around 300 on a daily basis.
We document the radicalism of the NEA but go ahead and keep supporting this bunch of Marxist Secularists. Of course they know better than you !! . .??
The Activist's Library
Rules for Radicals
Saul Alinsky, Vintage Books, 1989
The classic book about organizing people, written by one of America's foremost organizers.
Organize for Social Change
Midwest Academy Manual for Activists
Third Edition, Kim Bobo et al, Seven Locks Press, 2001
This is one of the best books about collective action and putting the screws to decision-makers. It's about winning battles.
Building More Effective Unions
Paul Clark, Cornell University Press, 2000
Penn State Professor of Labor Studies Paul Clark applies the latest in behavioral sciences research to creating more effective unions. His insights are both astute and highly practical.
The Trajectory of Change: Activist Strategies for Social Change
Michael Albert, SouThend Press, 2002
Z Magazine's Michael Albert has assembled a collection of thoughtful articles on ways to overcome various obstacles to social change.
Roots to Power: A Manual for Grassroots Organizing
Lee Staples, Praeger, 1984
This is a good nuts and bolts guide to organizing. It is especially good on recruiting, developing action plans, executing them, and dealing with counterattacks.
Taking Action: Working Together for Positive Change in Your Community
Elizabeth Amer, Self Counsel Press, 1992
Written by a Toronto community activist, this book is easy to read, full of examples, and sprinkled with how-to-advice.
Organizing: A Guide for Grassroots Leaders
Si Kahn, McGraw Hill, 1981, Revised 1991
This book is well organized. You can find relevant material for your situation without reading the whole book.
Ethical Ambition: Living a Life of Meaning and Worth
Derrick Bell, Bloomsbury, 2002
A gem of a book that delves into the question of "Why become an activist?" It is both thought-provoking and energizing.
Soul of a Citizen: Living with Conviction in a Cynical Time
Paul Rogat Loeb, St. Martins Press, 1999
Provides solace for the activist's soul and juice for the activist's battery
The NEA is all about radicalism. Why have parents turned the education of their children over to people they do not know nor can trust?
The National Education Association (NEA), the largest labor union in the country, offered a $5,000Learning and Leadership Grant to two Wisconsin teachers who intended to use the funds to “help first and second grade students” become “activists.”
The description of the grant for teachers Andrea Burmesch and Tara Krueger of Muskego Elementary read:
Ms. Burmesch and a team of colleagues will develop a critical literacy inquiry based unit of study to help their first and second grade students understand the role that power plays in their lives. The teachers will learn how visual literacy and technology, particularly website and podcast development, can be used by students to create activist messages that make a positive difference in their lives and the lives of others. The students will create their messages around issues important to their lives.
The grant description is no longer available on the NEA Foundation website as Muskego-Norway Superintendent declined to accept the grant given its dubious language and intent. The following is a screenshot of the grant information while it was still available on NEA’s site (all of this information is taken from The Blaze. Read the full article here) :
In 30 seconds or less, you will know more than 70% of this nation as relates to what is happening, politically. You're welcome.
Headlines from rasmussen
- Wisconsin Senate: Thompson (R) 49%, Baldwin (D) 42%
- Romney 44%, Obama 42%
- New Hampshire: Romney 41% Cain 17% Paul 11%
- 50% Prefer Candidate With Political Experience
- Pelosi Remains Least Favorable Congressional Leader
- New Low: 28% Give Obama Good or Excellent Marks on Economy
- 64% Say Federal Government Has Too Much Power and Money
- 16% Say U.S. Heading In Right Direction