One of 400 TEA Party rallies. This one numbered well over 800,000 - easily 10 times the total number of folks involved in Occupy across the nation. It's kind of like you on your bicycle and me on my man bike.
The Marxist Media has busied itself with embellishing the size and number of these demonstrations, from the very beginning. In researching their reporting, I have found that the only demonstrations of any size appear to be Occupy New York, Occupy Wall Street, and - to a lesser measure - Occupy Oakland. Supposedly, 100 cities have seen these demonstrations, but, if size matters, they are no more significant than the news of an impending snow storm. In Fresno, California, for example, 100 demonstrators showed up for day one of Occupy Fresno. Since then, the numbers have been around 30 individuals, several of them homeless people with nothing else to do. I know; I live here. In L.A., that demonstration sees around 300 on a daily basis.
Maybe the larger news story would be the number of cities where Occupy is not.
Understand that the Lefties are desperate to sponsor some sort of movement, some sort of national involvement, bearing the marks of the T.E.A. demonstrations of 2009 and 2010. Diane Sawyers, the news pin-up babe for one of the networks (I never watch the woman) recently reported that "Occupy was in 1000 countries, world wide," proving my point --- there are less than 200 countries in the world, and almost none of them actually report Occupy demonstrations.
There is no reason to believe that even 20,000 people have taken to the streets in these mindless demonstrations, nation-wide.
At the Oakland demonstration, a young man, Scott Olsen, was severely injured by police when they ordered the crowds to "back off" and Olsen refused. He was hit in the head with something, and has lost the ability to talk. The local media has tried to make Olsen out to be a hero, him being a Marine and all. But in recent days, it has come out that he is only a disgruntled ex-Marine, the owner of a wedsite called "I hate the Marines more than you" or some such thing. If it is still up, you can find it here, (http://www.ihatethemarinecorps.com/)
Reporters have been attacked, rapes and muggings are numerous, local businesses have been vandalized, and several thousand have been arrested. There are daily reports of violence against the police and no one within the movement seems to know where they are going with their demonstrations.
Van Jones, a card carrying communist (for ten years) and one time Obama "green czar," is trying to co-op the movement and turn it into political party, complete with its own convention (to be held on July 4, 2012) and candidates. His intentions, "pie in the sky" in my opinion, are seen in these from Jones: "You are going to see an American Fall, an American Autumn, just like we saw the Arab Spring . . . . . You can see it right now with these young people on Wall Street. Hold onto your hats, we're going to have an October offensive to take back the American dream and to rescue America's middle class." (Huffington Post, here).
Representatives from Code Pink, the AFL-CIO , the American Nazi Party, the American Communist Party, the American Socialist Party (don't you love that they all use the word "American?") and MoveOn.org are all at these demonstrations, teaching these kids "how to resist arrest" and "what not to do when police go on the offensive."
In the end, these demonstrations will be of no consequence. They are too far removed from the 2012 elections and have no popular support, except in the fantasies of media members who once did the same sort of thing, back in the anti-Viet Nam days. October is nearly come and gone with nothing similar to an "Arab Spring" to show for itself.
To compare any of this with the T.E.A. Movement rallies of the recent past, rallies occurring in nearly 400 cities, rallies that totaled seven million people or more, all with a purpose, all committed to specific action, is a waste of time. In fact, we do not see much of this reporting nonsense, of late.
Purpose versus mere complaining is the only comparison of serious consequence.
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