I am Mr. Middle Class. My wife and I own two cars and a big dog motorcycle. We live in a nice home worth around $170,00 ($300,000 if it was in San Jose). We have a pool that has not been filled for four years. Our utility bill runs $350 a month on average -- $550 a month if we maintain the pool. We have two dogs. We have a gardener who is paid more, each month, than what he charges. We have 7 children and 15 grandkids and usually spend $2,500 for Xmas, but not this year. I am a retired carpenter/contractor who worked 80 hours a week for 45 years and have no respect for whiners who will not do the same (Obama spends about 20 hours per week doing what we hired him to do, by the way). The kids? Two teachers, one ER doctor, one 15 year lawyer, one struggling business owner, and two nurses.
Everyone I know is "middle class." Everyone I know has worked their butts off to make ends meet . . . . everyone. The pictures in this post? You are looking at the middle class -- everyone in those pictures, all 2 million of them, are middle class Americans, not freeloaders on Wall Street, or in Denver, Portland, L.A., Nashville or Seattle -- you know, the nation's new class of whiners, the new "me first" generation. Heck, these clowns refuse to work for anything less than what I was making at the end of my career. No qualifications, no experience, no patience, no class.
And what has Obama done for me - as a representative of the real middle class? He sent me a $250 check back in 2009. He called it a "tax cut" but forced me to pay income tax on the amount, all while I was asking, "Hey, Slick, is this a tax cut or income?" Since that idiot "tax cut," I can't think of a thing he has done for me. My health insurance payments have increased 11% since Obama started making promises. Gas has gone up a dollar a gallon and he doesn't care. He cut two years of Social Security cost-of-living-increases without a single news worthy note from the Marxist Media. I pay more for food and clothing since he took office. He wants to take my home-owners deduction away, costing me $2,000 more a year as I struggle to pay his tax bill on a fixed income.
Understand this: Obama is not talking about helping the middle class. My story is typical to the middle class; his story is crap.
Point of post: just wanted you whiners and revolutionaries to be clear on the fact that Obama's pretense of being a "warrior for the middle class" does not line up with reality. He knows nothing about being a "warrior." Even the whiners have not benefited from the maneuverings of this genius.
Ask yourself this:
"On a personal level, how have I been prospered by Obama?" Go ahead, make a list and send to here, to "comments." Hope and change do not pay the bills, do they?
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