We document the radicalism of the NEA but go ahead and keep supporting this bunch of Marxist Secularists. Of course they know better than you !! . .??

The Activist's Library

Rules for Radicals
Saul Alinsky, Vintage Books, 1989
The classic book about organizing people, written by one of America's foremost organizers.

Organize for Social Change
Midwest Academy Manual for Activists
Third Edition, Kim Bobo et al, Seven Locks Press, 2001
This is one of the best books about collective action and putting the screws to decision-makers. It's about winning battles.

Building More Effective Unions
Paul Clark, Cornell University Press, 2000
Penn State Professor of Labor Studies Paul Clark applies the latest in behavioral sciences research to creating more effective unions. His insights are both astute and highly practical.

The Trajectory of Change: Activist Strategies for Social Change
Michael Albert, SouThend Press, 2002
Z Magazine's Michael Albert has assembled a collection of thoughtful articles on ways to overcome various obstacles to social change.

Roots to Power: A Manual for Grassroots Organizing
Lee Staples, Praeger, 1984
This is a good nuts and bolts guide to organizing. It is especially good on recruiting, developing action plans, executing them, and dealing with counterattacks.

Taking Action: Working Together for Positive Change in Your Community
Elizabeth Amer, Self Counsel Press, 1992
Written by a Toronto community activist, this book is easy to read, full of examples, and sprinkled with how-to-advice.

Organizing: A Guide for Grassroots Leaders
Si Kahn, McGraw Hill, 1981, Revised 1991
This book is well organized. You can find relevant material for your situation without reading the whole book.

Ethical Ambition: Living a Life of Meaning and Worth
Derrick Bell, Bloomsbury, 2002
A gem of a book that delves into the question of "Why become an activist?" It is both thought-provoking and energizing.

Soul of a Citizen: Living with Conviction in a Cynical Time
Paul Rogat Loeb, St. Martins Press, 1999
Provides solace for the activist's soul and juice for the activist's battery

You do not get more radical than this list - a cut and paste from the NEA official website. Every book on this list is about effecting radicalized
change rather than teaching the art of working within accepted norms. The list quantifies social rebellion in the name of the NEA. If your kids are not reading this crap, they are being taught by people who are radically opposed to the historicity of this great country. If you, as a teacher and disagree with this depiction, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Not one of these authors were/are partners of the US Constitution, its form of representative democracy or an allegiance to a political force that is anything but global in scope and One World in concept. Why do we constantly read of teachers and school administrations scraping the Pledge of Allegiance? Why is the teaching of the Constitution given so little emphasis - to the point that our graduating secondary students have no clue as to any detail of the Constitution. Why are the founding fathers disgraced in our classrooms, over and over again? Why is the notion of American Exceptionalism a matter of ridicule. Why is individual responsibility played down and "competition" a dirty word? Your children sit in classrooms you are not allowed to attend . They are given lectures you are not permitted to record. They use text books filled with attacks on the very things you believe and you have no say over their use . . . on YOUR children. Why the constant assault against religion, especially Christianity? Because what I say is true and it all comes from the top. The NEA is part of a movement intentionally designed to steal your children's heritage and move them into a world you actually oppose. The NEA is part of the enemy of our future. Time for this bunch of Marxist Misfits to go.

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