What is going on at the UN, this week? Only the most embarrassing foreigh policy episode in American history.

As our headline suggests, there is a growing foreign policy crisis in the works, at the UN.

We all know that Obama talks out of both sides of his mouth more often than any other president in modern history. It is about to him in the face, this week.

In 2009, he went to Cairo and accused Israel of being "occupiers" of Jerusalem and the West Bank. He has shunned Netanyahu, publicly and more than once. He has never set foot in Israel since becoming president and has funneled $2 billion in aid to Hamas and the Gaza Strip it controls. In 2010, he proudly proclaimed the possibility of Palestine becoming a nation state in the near future.

And, now, the day of reckoning is here. No one knows which side he is own - other than his own side - and the time to fish or cut bait is here. His party just lost in the New York 9th District, proof that the Jewish population of the country has serious questions about Obama.

It is clear that Obama must veto the Palestinian effort at statehood, proving to that side of the aisle, his talk of partnership and increased friendship is nothing but talk. Understand that there will be a General Assemble vote that will go in Palestine's favor. The proposal will, then, go to the Security council, where Obama will be forced to veto the General Assembly vote. And then, the embarrassment comes . . . . . . . . . . . a confirming 2nd vote in the General Assembly. This will not give statehood to the rogue nation, but it will set the record straight as to the decreasing influence within this world.

Obama, and his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, have spent three years doing next to nothing and, now, all of their hapless maneuvering, such as it was, is about to reap its reward.

This is a story that will drive much of the political discussion of the week. Get ready for more talk and not a few of red faces.

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