Want to know why we think the EPA is a Nazi type organization? Here is your answer. Supreme Court presentation coming this December !!

You need to read this story regarding the Nazi goons at the EPA and either call or mail. After reading the AP excerpt, Call and feel free to leave a message. I called at 3:30 Idaho time and received the answering machine. Give them a call and let them know that you do not agree with their Nazi style for conduct. Do not cuss but make it clear as to you disappointment and the concerted effort to do away with the EPA, altogether. Call 208-378-5746 or write them at 1435 N Orchard St, Boise, Id. 83706. They will not give out their fax or email numbers for obvious reasons:

Here is that story:

BOISE, Idaho (AP) - Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell wants an Idaho family fighting the federal government to know he's got their back. In an editorial Sunday, Parnell said Alaska will file a brief supporting a northern Idaho couple when the U.S. Supreme Court hears their case, which stems from the Environmental Protection Agency's move in 2007 blocking them from building on their property near Priest Lake.

The EPA determined Mike and Chantell Sackett's land contained a wetland protected by the federal Clean Water Act. It issued a "compliance order" to remove fill material and restore it to its original state _ or else face fines of up to $32,500 per day.

The Sacketts sued in 2008 in federal court, contending their land wasn't a wetland, at all. They lost _ a federal judge said their lawsuit was premature _ and a subsequent appeal was rejected by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last fall, but this year were granted a Supreme Court audience, likely this December or January. If they win, it could dramatically change how and when courts intervene in EPA enforcements, potentially giving people more incentive to take on environmental regulators over orders they don't like.

For his part, Alaska's Parnell is in the midst of an ongoing beef of his own with the EPA over its draft guidance governing just which water and wetlands will be protected by the Clean Water Act in the wake of recent court decisions. The Republican governor says he's wading into the Sacketts' case because its resolution will have a "profound impact on Alaska." (end of AP article - read the full article here)

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