This year's award for Biggest Spender of all Time goes to . . . . . .

Here is the headline: FEBRUARY DEFICIT: $223 BILLION...

Now, here is the rest of the story.

In 2007, the Bush deficit was $161 billion. Obama's spending insanity took one month to exceed that year's debt. One month under Obama versus an entire year under Bush.

So stop with the nonsense that Bush was a big spender. I have written much the same about the man [that Bush spent "like a drunken sailor] , but, of late, I have come to realize that his spending was not out of line with previous presidents.

Today, we learn that Obama spent more in a single month than Bush did in an entire year, effectively putting an end to the talk of Bush being the bigger spender.

Before leaving this post, I must remind the reader of a statement Obama made at a press conference in the spring of 2009. "All government spending is stimulus." That is what the man said. So, how come Bush is not the hero of the Left if, in fact, he was "spending like a drunken sailor?"


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