Democrats scream "ethics violation" while in hiding because they are outlaw Senators.

I find this bit of news more than disgusting : WI Dems File Ethics Complaint Against Gov. Walker...

Understand that Wisconsin Democrats support governance by mob rule. Many of them have fled the state and are in hiding. So let's talk about "ethics complaints," shall we? No one, absolutely no one, should take any criticism from outlaw state officials.

"But Walker is ruling like a tyrant !!" First, that is not true. Secondly, to quote Obama, "John, elections have consequences." Damn right. Walker and the GOP won the election. They are only doing what they have an elected right to do. Nothing more.

There is no doubt in my mind that some of the lawless Senators intend to keep the Wisconsin government shut down until a recall election is held and they return to power. If that happens, it is time for revolution.

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