Palin takes Kathy Griffin, the nation's leading rhetorical dump site, too seriously. Griffin is not a comedian. She is a joke.

Sarah Palin Dubs Kathy Griffin ‘Has-Been Comedienne’ And ‘50 Year-Old Adult Bully’

For what it is worth, I have long considered Griffin one of our nation's several whores. I have no regard for this piece of work.

Griffin has made it "big" being one of the most foul mouthed rhetorical dump sites in our nation. She has no morals, is abusive with all who oppose her point of view, and is defunct of the kind of rationale that allows folks to respect her. And now, she makes a name for herself by stripping in public and getting so drunk, she cannot negotiate stepping out of a car.

And Palin takes her seriously? Governor !!!! Just leave this dump of a woman alone. She is her own worst enemy and virtually no one takes her seriously. More than this, she is not intelligent enough to know that she is a joke, thus the reason people laugh when she comes around.


  1. Palin was so successful as a governor, she graduated early. What a half-term dumb ass, if she and her family can't take it, keep you trap shut. Poor thing with her snore, snore TV show canceled, I guess running for Prez is the only thing she can do. I can't wait using the term "two time loser", please, oh please run. Oh by the way Kathy Griffin is comedian, I repeat comedian, its her job, quit playing the victim card. I know you think you were so funny on "Jay Leno", come on you sucked, you are no comedian Sarah, please run for Prez.

  2. Hey moron. She was forced out of office. She does not play the "victim." Her show did not get canceled. It finished its record setting run.
    Kathy Griffin is a slut, not a comedian. And Sarah just might run for president. Should be easy to beat the clown who is now pretending to be the top exec.

  3. Is it a child we are talking about that, lets see, she had sex without getting married (many of us got away with it), so ok, she got pregnant without getting married (yup that sounds about right), lied about an engagement (cover story so mom could get elected), and her life now is going around preaching abstinence (do as I say not as I do). After all of this it seems to me we are dealing with an Adult who has done Adult things. So grow up Johnny Boy, you are extremely confused! And here mom is a bigger clown than you!

  4. Bristol made a mistake. Is that it, genius?

    You know what you've got? You got nothin' !!

  5. Sonre, snore, come on jonny boy, is that all you got? I guess its past your bed time. See ya, won't want to be ya! Ha, ha.....
