If Charlie Sheen is the new face of the Democrat Party, how serious is their claim of an awakening "giant?"

When it comes to the supposed "grassroots" uprising coming from the left, understand that perception is reality. And, quite frankly, "perception" is all they've got. Limbaugh calls it "symbolism over substance." We call it "the story of a liberal's life."

Take the weekend's liberal talking points.

MSNBC repeats, "The right has awaken a sleeping giant."

And, the very Marxist Michael Moore proclaims the "rise of the Left."

That kind of talk was everywhere, this weekend.

Talk is cheap and, in this case, contrary to reality. This is nation is not a Left leaning country, "not" by a wide margin . . . as in "not even close."

For decades, Gallup has tracked such things. Year after year, the totals read something like this: 17 - 21 % of the nation is "liberal" without attaching to party identification; 37 - 44% of the nation identifies as "conservative." The remainder are "undecided" and may be considered "independents." Understand that I am saying that the Gallup survey falls within the given demographic baseline(s) year after year. It is never different. When folks like me speak of this nation being a "right leaning" nation, that is a fact without debate.

Elections are won or lost because of the independent vote.

When the likes of Michael Moore talk of the "sleeping giant," he is talking through the hole in his head, and we are not referencing his donut hole. The Marxist political view is not the popular, democratically held view in this country.

And when we reduce the matter down to "unions versus the people," it gets even worse for the libs. Less than 11% of the population is in a union, whether public or private sector. Federal workers are not unionized but have bargaining rights for wages as prescribed by law. While Obama takes sides in the Wisconsin conflict, his own workforce, the federal employee, is not unionized. In the past 10 years, union membership has fallen from 20% to just under 11% -- hardly the definition of "Left wing uprising."

In the end, when you see a large crowd of Marxist Unionized Liberals, you are looking at a crowd of folks who were bused to the site and/or told by their unions to get off their duffs and show up for the cameras. There is no national majority when it comes to union claims. There is no "sleeping giant."

Think about it. Last year, Glenn Beck, along with Sarah Palin, sponsored a gathering in D.C. that numbered between 800 thousand to a million strong. In 2009, there was a gathering of conservatives, the first, that saw nearly 2 million assembled in the Capitol.

The liberal/union based leadership tried to duplicate these gatherings in a show of "wide support" for their cause. They failed. Less than 300,000 showed up for their much publicized DC gathering, more than half of these folks were bused in by the unions and stayed in rooms rented for them by the unions. . . . . not your typical "grassroots" movement.

Point of post: when you hear or read of a newly energized Left Wing Socialist Movement as a result of Wisconsin, know that this is a lie. It simply is not true. The right/left demographic remains the same as before. Nothing is different except the increased fuel costs for busing in 25,000 demonstrators into Madison, two weeks ago.

I am not over confident in my appraisal. The fact of the matter is this: conservatives [currently] have the upper hand in the national politic and the trend to responsible governance.

I dare say that Charlie Sheen is the new face of the Democrat Party.

Still worried?

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