After three years, we now know without doubt, that Obama did not have a clue as to GITMO

Obama restarts Guantanamo trials

Nearly three years ago, Obama was talking about shutting down GITMO within his first year of office. That was a promise made to his base over and over and over again. Most of his base (the Marxist liberal) actually thought he knew what he was talking about. He didn't.

Do you understand what that means? Let me advise; Obama neither understood the complexity of the issue or the impossibility of his promise. He was so unproven as a national and military leader, that naive promises such as this were frequent during his campaign. Virtually all conservative pundits believed that this closing would never happen. Turns out they were right.

Look, GITMO houses some of the worst of the worst; jihadist with no soul; criminals against humanity; Muslim men who killed their own in their hatred for the Iraqi government and the United States. All of them were captured "in the field of battle," not arrested. We no longer use the term "prisoner of war." "Enemy combatant " is the 21st century's "prison of war." We keep such people in captivity until the war is over. To attempt to try these people in a civilian court of law would be to impose a legal code on people arrested outside the realm of civilian law. No Myranda rights were given -- they never are in battle field arrests, at least not before Obama became "Commander and Chief." . The collection of "evidence" is not the high priority it is in the civilian sector. The "arresting" soldier is biased and assigned the task of killing these people if the circumstance demands such action. These villains are in GITMO because there is no other place to put them. . . . . and, Obama had no clue as to any of this. He "mouthed off" in this case, which is different from making an intelligent promise.

And, now, he has done a complete 180, admitting de facto that he was full of barnyard while on the campaign trail.

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