Moore wants more for himself while demanding that others give their wealth away.

Moore On Wealthy People's Money: 'That's Not Theirs, That's A National Resource, It's Ours'...

Want to know why this clown needs to shed a few pounds? Because he has more money than brains, enough to pay for his obvious food addiction.

Does no one tire of being lectured on "doing our fair share" by the Marxist/Socialist uber rich of this country?

Moore is not only filthy rich, he is suing his film producer for millions more.

Obama makes millions per year simply because he is our "president." Millions. And, he thinks his job is to tell the working class they need to be willing to participate [more] in "shared sacrifice," when, in fact, he and his wife party every night (more than 500 White House parties in the two years they have been King and Queen), setting a record for such activities for a sitting president. Understand that Barack fails to define "shared sacrifice," while ordering us "rise to the occasion."

Pelosi and husband own more than $250,000 in AIG stock (!) and earns additional millions from a winery that employees non-union workers. . . . "the rich feeding off the backs of the poor." Understand that I do not frame the circumstance in this manner, Nancy Pelosi and Michael Moore do, when they are not in view.

John Kerry, another multi-millionaire Legislator, tried to slip out on his tax obligation by docking his newly purchased yacht in the waters of another state. He was busted by the press and forced to pay up.

You know we could go on and on. The point is NOT to record a diatribe against the wealthy, but to levy our complaint against those who divide this nation on the basis of class while, at the very same time, participating in the same greed they pretend to oppose.

Moore and those named, above, actually believe that wealth is a national resource and, therefore, belongs to us all. Of course, the idea is beyond silliness, but, we constantly here the charge to "return wealth to its rightful owners."

Instead of nodding your heads in approval, why not try to explain what this phrase means? No one ever does that.

Point of post:
to press the notion that stupidity is the most expensive commodities fostered upon the middle working class. It divides the nation and lays the legal basis for redistributive theft.

More on this after breakfast.


  1. The president's annual income derived from tax payers is $400,000, along with a $50,000 annual expense account, a $100,000 non-taxable travel account and $19,000 for entertainment.

    That doesn't equate to millions, but if you include money he makes in his private sector, then great for him - he'll pay more taxes too if he gets his way...

  2. He reported 5.5 million for 2009. Go refigure. Heck, the way you figure, 98% of Pelosi's money comes from "private" sources. Gee, I thought you class-racists hated the private sector corporations. does "great for him" work for the Koch brothers and the American Corporate executive. Of course not. Without them, you have no class warfare.

    And, of course, he wants to pay more taxes.

    And who decides what "fair share" is? You >!!

    You are going to tell me what my fair share is? The multi-millionaire, Barack Hussein Obama, is going to tell us all what "fair share" means. To date, he has failed to give us that little tidbit of information. Just blather and nothing more.

    Did you not know that 50% of the population does not pay their fair share? Did you know that the top 1% pay 40% of all IRS personal income revenues and 100% of all corporate tax revenue ? Did you know that the top 5% pay 70% of all taxes? So how is it that they are not "paying their fair share."

    But who cares about facts on your side. Just make up blow and go with the rhetorical crap, over and over and over. don't talk facts. Never answer questions from conservatives. Just talk and slander and lies -- never honest debate.
