Rasmussen Reports shows overall support - in Wisconsin - goes to the rioters, but . . . .

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Wisconsin voters shows that just 39% favor weakening collective bargaining rights and 52% are opposed. Understand that three age groups are reflected in this poll. In the over-50 age group, the Governor wins. In the 40 to 50 demographic, the voters are evenly divided. In the under-40 crowd, the voters favored the Governor.

With that last demographic, the younger voters, the percentage of "turn out" in any election is relatively small compared to the older groupings. I believe that this survey favors the Governor because of this last consideration. Let's not forget that he was voted into office, largely by the two older groupings of voter.

Opinion polls should be considered in any act of governance, but public opinion cannot the overriding, determinant factor. We are not a raw democracy. Rather, we are a representative republic.


  1. Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh have spoken out forcefully against unions. All 3 are members of the Radio Artists Union (AFTRA), which is the AFL-CIO affiliate for television and broadcast workers.

    Ronald Reagan, a six term Union president (SAG) said it is "One Of The Most Elemental Human Rights."

    How's that for hypocrisy.

    Like I said, go ahead Republicans, crush those unions. Make teachers and public employees the enemy and see where it gets you. That 'bastian of liberal thought' - the Wall St Journal Poll said this week that 62% of Americans are against stripping public employees' bargaining rights.

  2. William, once again you talk without having the facts. All three talk show hosts have made it clear that they are not anti-union. It is the radicalized "collective bargaining" they are against. George Meany (AFL-CIO icon) was against collective bargaining as was FDR.

    Taxpayers fund ALL of the public sector and their unions. The public sector forces the payment of dues (my tax dollar) and then uses that tax money to buy more politicians so they, the public sector unions, can take more of my tax money . . . . and the beat goes on.

    You think that is right? I don't. and you do not have a defense for my argument.

    You are not spending enough time in the bathroom, William.

    Or maybe, you are spending too much time, there. Quinnipiac has it just the opposite from the Journal. The fact is only 15 million workers out of a workforce of 153 million are unionized. So who is going to win the war? You are in lala land, Willy boy.

    Indeed, the WSJ is quite liberal - more so than conservative.
