The Man Who Knew Nothing and his 2012 campaign chances -- not as good as you might think.

In US News and World Report, there is an article dated March 2, that reveals a president pushing the race card as early as May of last year. In a dinner engagement (Obama has attended hundreds of these "after hours" dinners in the plus 800 days he has been in office - a record for a sitting president), Obama told listeners that "Many middle-class and working-class whites felt aggrieved and resentful that the federal government was helping other groups, including bankers, automakers, irresponsible people who had defaulted on their mortgages, and the poor, but wasn't helping them nearly enough, he said" (Source: News and World Report ).

Look, this man was raised in an agnostic white home, sent to privileged schools and knew nothing about either Black America or White America. He learned to be black from Jeremiah Wright, sitting in this phony theologian's church for nearly 22 years beginning with age 25. He was a kid trying to figure out who he was, or should we say, who he wanted to be. He had a choice and he went with the angry black antagonist. Angry black hate the white man was all that he heard from his mentor, Jeremiah Wright. He learned the "negotiating" strategy of threats and strong arm "counseling" tactic as a community organizer. And, he had worked for three or more years preparing for his run as president !!!

While we laughed at his only "qualification," that of a community organizer, he was busy using his 13,000 phone volunteers and his million plus campaign workers (Obama for America) to craft an election that was much closer than it should have been, winning by just 7% of the vote.

He has lost much of youth army, and is somewhat "on the ropes," organizationally. I believe his failed promises to the college age youth will cost him close to 750,000 votes in the 2012 elections. Current counts have him losing 3 million white male votes, all of whom will be "swing" voters in this coming election. He may have lost as many as a million Jewish votes. Women have lost interest and the Hispanic vote will be down, considerably as things stand at this moment.

What does this mean? Again, speaking as things are today, Obama could wind up with a popular vote of 57 million to a well qualified GOP candidate's 72 million. That spread is entirely possible. Of course , the election is "light years" away as one counts election "futures."

I am buying. How 'bout you??

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