The first call for impeachment has been announced. Me? I think we just need to fire him!!

Readers of this blog would think I might find this headline "most agreeable." 1st call for Obama impeachment by member of Congress... Sweet, except for one thing. There is not enough time to impeach this guy. His time is up in November of 2012, that is if the Democrats decided to abide by the election results --- something they are not willing to do Wisconsin or Indiana.

Besides, being fired is a far more preferable end to this man's reign of terror than being impeached -- unless, of course, we can prove that he is a crook.

Anything can happen, including his re-election but we are working for his defeat at the voting booth. If he is impeached, an unlikely scenario, I (we) have nothing to do with his departure. But, if we vote him out, well, we all share in that process; we all make a statement to this stranger in our White House.

From the very beginning of his term, he has chosen to ridicule conservative middle class blue collar America. More than that, he chose to ignore their expressed wishes and run the government as if they did not exist. Reason enough to reject his presidency.

If we should lose the 2012 election, the alternatives facing us will not be civil. The Democrats in Wisconsin and Indiana have already expressed their willingness for civil war. In time, there needs to be a response. I am hoping the coming election will do the trick.

If you are not heavily involved in this fight, make the change. The "fundamental transformation" of this country is/was the Obama agenda. Ours is quite the opposite.

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