Obama in Brazil and dependency on foreign oil.

Obviously, Obama has decided to let Brazil pollute the world with its oil drilling increases and has called for increased oil trade with that country. While Obama is telling those who will listen that Gulf oil supply has increased since he took the Top Job, that he has signed 35 permits for off-shore drilling in the Gulf, he has not explained why this is not in conflict with his 7 year ban on off-shoring drilling in that region.

Nor, has Obama ever taken the time to spell his energy strategy for our country. Remember all that talk about solar and wind, during the first months of his administration? Such hardly gets mentioned in today's political debate. What is his 30 year plan for solar and wind energy? Despite the increase oil production in the Gulf, what is Obama's plan for taking us off Middle East oil supply? And why are we increasing our dependency on other nations, such as Brazil?

The fact remains that there are no answers to the questions we just posed, none. Obama's energy policy is in as much disarray and is his Libyan policy or his economic policy or his health care policy. When we are finished with Obama, most of us understand that we will be just as energy dependent on the Middle East and/or foreign oil as were the day he took office. We will be poorer as a nation, less safe, and disgustingly smaller in world stature.

He hated "Drill baby drill" in 2008. Now, in Brazil, he seems to like the idea. Less pollution when we drill south of the Equator?? Must be.

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