What's wrong with the Obama picture of our national economy?

Understand this: Obama's first budget in two years will be in effect until September 30 of 2012. There is no question that budgetary matters will be of critical importance next year. The 2012 election cycle begins in earnest after Jan of 2012, just 11 months from now.

In this budget, we have documentation that Obama is waiting on the GOP to take leadership in making the kinds of cuts necessary to get this nation back on its feet. Obama argues that the first priority was to secure the future for people with the passing of health care. The CBO tells us just the opposite has occurred, predicting the loss of 800,000 jobs because of ObamaCare. The "CBO" is the Congressional Budget Office.

Understand that the economy and "jobs" were the highest priority, whether Obama agrees or not.

This morning, in a news conference regarding his budget proposal, he suggested that we trim the national debt using a scalpel, not a machete. He suggested that when a family gets into financial trouble, it does not stop saving for the children's' college years, that we, as a nation, need to cut expenses while continuing to invest in our future.

A few thoughts:

1. In the past two years, Obama has added 2.9 trillion dollars not counting TARP and the billion dollar stimulus bill. He expects to add another 1.65 trillion dollars this year. By the end of his first year, he will have added more debt (and we are talking about debt alone) than all other presidents have spent since the beginning of our nation . . . . combined. It is stupid to suggest that this is Bush's fault. To hear him speak of fiscal responsibility grates on the nerves because of his big government spending policies, but he does not get the anger there is about this circumstance.

2. Secondly, if you are borrowing 44% of every dollar you spend, you are broke and out of business. You just have not admitted it.

3. If a family is broke, indeed, the are forced to leave off any further investment in their children's' college years. After all, they do not have any money to invest. Seems simple, but Obama does not get it.

Finally, understand that Obama and his Democrat Party failed to write any kind of budget for the current fiscal year, the one we are in; the one which concludes on September 30. In ignoring this minor item (we jest), he opened the door to GOP intervention in the writing and approval of his 2010 budget. If he and the Democrats has acted in a timely manner, they would have crafted two budgets without the help of the GOP. Instead, they crafted only one budget -- a major tactical mistake. Rather than having the argument he is now having, he could have postponed this critical discussion until next year, or at least much later in this calendar year. He would not have had to compromise on the Bush tax cuts. Things would be much different.

Instead, he not only sacrificed 36 moderate Democrats in the midterm election, he surrendered all budgetary leverage for the current fiscal year.
he he he

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