Last Updated: Sat, 02/12/2011 - 11:28pm
The only thing more popular than bashing President Obama on the last day of the Conservative Political Action Conference was national security, especially the hot-button topic of Sharia law, the authoritarian doctrine that inspires Islamists and their jihadism.
Several accomplished military, terrorism and national security experts have long asserted that terrorists are covertly using Islamic Sharia law as a non-violent way to destroy the United States. A panel of highly regarded experts reiterated the assessment in a Saturday afternoon CPAC seminar called “The Sharia Challenge in the West.”
Former Central Intelligence Agency Director Jim Woolsey, a foreign policy specialist who has worked for both Democratic and Republican administrations, led the intriguing seminar. The United States is, not only at war with terrorists such as Al Qaeda and Hezbollah but also with those who, over the long run, want to impose Sharia law, Woolsey assured.
He defined Sharia as a “theocratic dictatorship extremely opposed to democracy” and a movement to “eliminate and destroy western civilization.” The biggest challenge in fighting it is America’s long tradition of tolerance towards all religions, he warned, pointing out that the radical Islamic group Muslim Brotherhood is largely behind the effort to bring Sharia to the U.S.
Ironically, Muslim Brotherhood affiliates sponsored a CPAC panel a day earlier to defend Islamic rights, building a mosque at Ground Zero and the overall mission of the group which is known as the parent organization of Hamas and Al Qaeda. Suhail Khan, a controversial figure with connections to Middle Eastern radicals, led the event which at times got heated. A few years ago Khan received an award from an Al Qaeda operative (Abdurahman Alamoudi) and the event was actually recorded in a video.
Also on Saturday former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton delivered a scorching afternoon speech on national security, blasting the Obama Administration for not caring about foreign affairs. He spoke mostly of radicalism in the Middle East but also mentioned risks posed by Venezuela’s huge uranium stockpile and close ties to Iran. Minutes after Bolton’s fiery delivery, another panel addressed the threat of nuclear war presented by China and North Korea.
Two Judicial Watch seminars tackled the never-ending task to achieve government transparency as a way to root out corruption. An aide to a U.S. Senator offered examples of government waste that were only discovered by scrutinizing public records and a veteran investigative journalist implored attendees to visit the government’s website (usaspending.gov) on spending. “You’ll be amazed at what you find,” he said, suggesting everyone check out “parties” and “alcohol” financed by U.S. taxpayers.
CPAC concluded with a keynote address by Florida’s newly elected congressman, Allen West, who was scheduled at the last minute when former Alaska Governor Sara Palin declined the invite. Like many of the conference’s other high-profile speakers—including Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Tim Pawlenty—he energized the crowd by blasting the Obama Administration.
Editor's note: the article does not mention that Ron Paul won the CPAC straw poll. I believe he won the same poll last year. Of course, his candidacy went nowhere. Understand that Paul writes great economic theory, seriously. But his stance as an anti-war candidate is a problem. The crowd that supports him has a large and mouthy contingent that wants President Bush (43) tried as a war criminal. This blog views that kind of non-sense as treasonist in nature and unpatriotic in scope. Quite frankly, we would support Paul if not for the threat of prosecution with regards to our 43rd president. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama are guilty of much the same issues as Bush -- but who wants those two clowns prosecuted as war criminals. Certainly not I.
I do not believe folks who announce they are pacifists should be allowed to run for President of the United States and Commander and Chief of the biggest, baddest army in the history of mankind. Paul's pacifism makes him unqualified to be President, plain and simple. Other than that, he is truly awesome.
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