The Army and the FBI have come under criticism in their dealings concerning the Hansan/Fort Hood shootings. The man - Dr. Hasan - killed 13 and wounded 32 . The murders took place last December, 2009, more than a year ago. He has made but one court appearance since that time. Understand that he was wounded at the scene and captured in the very act of committing the murders. There are 32 surviving witnesses to the killings. This case is a slam dunk, yet, its prosecution has not taken on any sense of seriousness in the 14 months since the killings occurred. Why? That is the big question. There is no obvious answer to this question and, as a result, a congressional investigation was authorized by the Senate.
The Obama Administration and the FBI have slowed this persecution to a near halt as they work a cover-up of sorts with regard to Hansan and his connections to radical Islam. For some reason, the Administration, which is not connected to radical Islam (?), seems to have an aversion to any serious action or criticism of in-country Islamic affairs. We have documented such on several occasions and will not do so here. Go to our search engine in the right hand column and type in "Hansan" or "Fort Hood" or "Muslim" to read more than 30 articles we have written concerning this issue.
Understand that Hansan was an "in your face" Muslim while at Fort Hood and had written 18 emails to Anwar al-Awlaki, emails the FBI and the military knew of. He was not interrogated by anyone in the High Value Interrogation Groups, and much of his personal life remains "top secret." Many suspect that the military's choosing to ignore Hansan's Islamic activities was at the direction of the Commander and Chief, that his policy toward the Muslim community was somehow responsible for the failure of the FBI and the military as relates to Hasan. Dr. Hansan was an obvious and known threat to the security on the Fort Hood base. Nothing was done and many wonder if that was because of the Obama Administration. Certainly, refusing to hand over some or all of the 18 emails sent to Anwar al-Awlaki is not a good sign coming from the Administration.
A Senate investigative panel came out this morning with statements dealing with the issues being raised about the Administration and its mishandling of this situation. It's conclusions are not friendly to Obama and his Justice Department. In short, a story carried by NPR reveals the committee's conclusion that the Fort Hood killings could have been prevented !!! We believe there is much more to this story, and much more than a simple "aversion" to the American Muslim traditions. We only hope that future discoveries do not reveal a complicity of some sort that is not good for the nation.
Know this: something is very very wrong, here. It appears that Congress is open-eyed to this problem . Stay tuned for the rest of the story.
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