ObamaCare will cost much more than predicted. Here is why.

For two days, now, the Dems, have been telling anyone who will listen that the "repeal of health care will cost millions of dollars and 400,000 jobs.

Let's take the information we have found at American Spectator as they reproduce a letter from the CBO on this information. In short, the 10 year cost of repealing the health care bill passed in March of 2010 will be $230 billion or $23 billion per year.

Understand that Democrats and "Republican" pretenders, alike, know full well that CBO totals, in this case, are the result of analyzing numbers given to it by the Dems.

The fact of the matter is this, the Dems played games with expense numbers in order to make it appear that ObamaCare would not have a negative cost. What was left out of the annual cost was a thing called "the doctor fix." To keep doctors from fleeing the Medicare program, the congress reimburses them for their loss of income because of Medicare cuts. The total reimbursement is around $28 billion per year (including interest) totaling $287 billion for the approaching 10 year period. Add to this total the previously unannounced cost for setting up and running the program of $153 billion (FoxBusiness). Another billion was hidden in the Stimulus bill for the 15 member health panel. That is an annual cost factor and is worth 10 billion over the course of 10 years.

Finally, if the Administration is successful with its plan to include illegals in this health care bill, you are looking at another 20 million folks at an annual estimated cost of 100 billion.

If we allow for the accuracy of the CBO numbers, we have this scenario: if we repeal ObamaCare, the cost will be 230 billion. If we do not repeal the bill, our cost will be 540 billion per the numbers above.

Understand that the 500 billion in Medicare cuts have not been made. If that does not happen, our 540 billion dollar cost factor will suddenly become 1 trillion 40 billion (1,040,000,000,000).

We all know that no spending bill passed into law has ever been close to original cost projections. For anyone to hang their hat on CBO numbers is grossly immature. In our cost analysis, Midknight Review believes that the 3rd decade of this bill will see more than 11 trillion in overages and cost.

Of course, this country cannot afford this bill and that is the point of this post. We knew that the second we read about the first secret and closed door meeting on this bill.

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